Loads of newbies?


New member
Is it just me, or has there been a huge influx of new members in the last few weeks? I'm seeing all these new names with low posts.





New member
I've been here a week. This is a fine board with many level-headed gunners........a good place to learn.

Thanks to the Kel-Tec Owners Group for the heads-up on this site.

* G-22
* P-32
* J-Frame
* Jetfire
* AR-15
* Mini-14
* Couple of 12 ga. shotguns


New member

how about old members with few posts? As soon as I figure out what I'm doing, I'll be sure to share.

In the meantime, thanks to all for the good info. Sometimes lurkers aren't shy - just don't have anything to contribute (yet). Someday...

Ben Swenson

New member
6 foot blonde...mmmmm

Sorry Tam! Its their fault!
Don't worry, Steve. Remember: Thou art Tamara. I am Tamara. All that groks is Tamara.

That being the case, a little narcissism doesn't hurt, eh?


New member

Y'all have issues. Issues, I say!


PS I prefer brunettes. Sorry, Tams. I just know you're disappointed. ;)

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Steve, just go to a used-book store and buy everything they have by Heinlein. Take two or three days off from TFL, each week, and read. You won't regret it.

I'll then drop another few names to help keep you occupied during your otherwise dull, drab life. :D



New member
Heinlein is a great writer. Note my final sig line? I'm a bit of a fan. Some of his better books:

Starship Troopers. The movie was...godawful. I was wondering how Hollywood was gonna make an extremely right-wing, political book into a movie. Oh...make it a farce, and a bad one at that. Okie-dokie. The book is wonderful. "...to the everlasting glory of the infantry..."

Stranger in a Strange Land. One of the classics.

The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. Ditto.

Those three can keep you busy for a while.



New member
Welcome, everyone!

"...to the everlasting glory of the infantry..."


New member
Six feet of Tam is the perfect amount.

It means she can wear 4" heels and look me in the eye ;)


New member
SaltyCracker, if you're looking for the line between a cute joke and an insulting innuendo...I believe it's right behind you.