loading gate on a win 94


New member
i inherited a win 94 30-30 pre 64 but the gate is missing where could i get the parts for it what parts are needed and how hard is it to put in
i saw them on Winchester bobs site but he never picks up the phone i called for a week but no reply or email yet
it loads and shoots fine with out it but we wanted to sell it for some anniversary money and figure it would be worth plenty more with all the parts
also what is the worth with out the load gate ??? i see most of them go for about 400 give or take but ours is in in amazing shape with an amazing stock and about 90% bluing it just doesnt have the load gate


New member
seeing as it is a spring cover is there a spring or is it just a flat piece of metal that uses resistance to fold it in place


New member
Original, period or replica part?

If you care - make sure you know what you're buying when it comes to those replacement parts.

Personally I think it's incumbent upon an ethical seller to mention what parts are original to the gun vs. what he's had to replace. And then whether that replacement is from a period piece or is a newly manufactured replica part.

I know this stuff makes a difference to a great number of buyers, and in general I think they'd/we'd rather know than not.


New member
i do my best to be an honest seller which is why it probably hasnt moved yet
im not too eager to loose it but if it goes it goes if it doesnt oh well
even if i have to spend 50$ on it then that will be all i have in it
it was he grand fathers and she doesnt want any thing to do with that side of her family
when her grand parrents died we were the only ones local enough to over see the estate the only thing worth any value was this rifle and an old wind up tin toy of an Arnold mac 700 and the guy gets on and off the bike as it goes its really neat :) it is actually worth the most i was thinking 50-60 i mistook it for a typical motorcycle collectors piece it is worth about 800$ it nearly go thrown out
I was offerred a set of fine china that had belonged to a relative I wish I'd never had, and all I could think of was to offer to take the plates to the range to shoot them. So, I can understand your wife not wanting to keep this rifle if she was not on good terms with this side of the family. What serial number range is the rifle? If it is 1,300,000 to 1,550,000 let me know and maybe you can sell it without worrying about replacing the loading gate.