Loaded in your gun safe?


New member
All of my double action revolvers are loaded, and my 1911 has a full mag with an empty chamber. Rifle has full mags, empty chamber.


New member
None. Why would they be loaded in the safe? If it's for home defense it's not going to be in the safe or you'll be busy trying to get it out while you are being robbed blind or shot.


New member
In the safe, no, the door makes a racket when I open it anyway. Next to the bed and in the closet are an entirely different story however :D


New member
For the time being there is one loaded, it is out(out of sight) and accessable for a real need. Stuff in the safe is in storage. One more hazard to think about with loaded guns in the safe where you cannot get to them quickly anyhow. I can see keeping loaded mags or speedloaders in the safe. If you got time to get the safe open, you got time to load a mag and rack it. You should have something more accessable than in a safe, if possible. Besides I don't have to worry about rotating the rounds that are loaded regularly, etc.


New member
The only rule I always follow with my safes are keep a loaded mag or two/and or a box of ammo for everything inside with the guns. That way, if I want something other than my nightstand gun I can grab it and some rounds without a bunch of searching.


New member
Depends on the safe...I've got 2 quick-access safes that each store a loaded pistol. The guns locked in the safe in my firearms closet are not loaded. I've got a minor in the house so there are provisions in my state's law that must be followed for gun storage.


New member
All my primary carries remain loaded when they're in the safe, I keep extra mags for most of them loaded, and one fully loaded mag each, for the AR-15 and SAR-48.


New member
I keep a few AR mags loaded and I keep my 40 Beretta ready to go in the safe. I keep a shotgun loaded and in the bedroom. No kids.......