Loaded Gun found in Toy Aisle in Target

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New member

Normally I laugh inwardly at the conspiracy theories that suggest that anti-gunners are deliberately doing stupid things with guns to make gun owners look bad, but this one is just a step too much even for me.

A loaded gun is left in the toy aisle in Target, a store that Moms Demand Action just happen to be targeting for a no-gun policy. A bit too convenient?

Why would any gun owner remove his/her gun, place it on a shelf, and then forget it? Tying a shoe lace? Puhlease.

The store has surveillance footage of an individual acting suspiciously in that very aisle shortly before the discovery, and Police are reviewing the recordings.

I hope they identify the guy and catch him. If he put the gun there in the hope that some random kid would find it and kill themselves with it he should be charged with attempted murder.

If it is an anti-gun activist doing this to make gun owners look bad, the same result could have occurred, so the same charge applies.


New member
This type of thing is not unheard of; Similar events have happened at gun shows where the "plant" surreptitiously puts one or two live rounds into a gun on a table. I think that's one of the reasons why guns are checked and zip tied now at most shows.


New member
Perhaps he was just ditching it, something was tugging at him that he might get popped with it in his possession?

Not the brightest thing to do, or place to do it. Unenlightened self interest seems to be a hallmark of the criminal element.


New member
Felons can be paid to do things, too.

At any rate, hope he's charged with Depraved Indifference to Human Life, Endangering a Child (count them on the footage until discovery of the pistol), Felon in Possession, Concealed Weapon without Permit, etc., etc., should be good for about 200 years in lockup.

Then see if he squawks about a setup, or some conspiracy, and go get them, too.


New member
Perhaps he was just ditching it

Yes, this was my initial thought when I first heard the story. The article stated that security was watching him, so maybe he knew that and decided to ditch the gun.


New member
Yes, this was my initial thought when I first heard the story. The article stated that security was watching him, so maybe he knew that and decided to ditch the gun.

Target security isn't exactly "low-key" when they spot a shoplifter or suspected shoplifter.
They make localized overhead announcements about "security to [zone] ##", actively follow them, and sometimes make direct confrontations.


New member
Don't forget the rationale of "ends justify the means".

Think again about "Fast and Furious"

Those guns were sent into Mexico with the intent to kill,maim,terrorize,and create international outrage.

The precedent has been established,IMO.

That does not mean every tragedy is part of a conspiracy.That is nuts,too.

But if it looks like a duck....

I believe it is naïve to think"No,they would never do that...."
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