Load DATA needed?


New member
It seems I run into this every time I have a idea that "Should" work but, more often then not I can't find load data for either the bullet I am using or one of more of the powders I have?

I bought some 115g FMJ Montana Gold 9mm bullets a little while ago and they are working fantastic in my CZ75 but when I tried to load some up in the .380 the cases "wrinkled" or "Buckled" while setting the bullets to the proper depth.

I looked this up and found it was a pretty common problem. I plan to either use 90g XTP's or the 95g JHP from Rockey Mountain Reloading for the .380 from now on as I like the performance/accuracy I get out of the HP's.

Alright after going on way to long already here is what I am looking for?

I need some load data for 9mm for 90g XTP's using either Power Pistol or Bullseye. I do have some AA #5 left but not much. I will be shooting my CZ much much much more then my Walther PPK/s but, I will have some 90g XTP's laying around from time to time and I hate guessing where to start.:eek:

Thanks for any info! ;)


New member
Thanks for the links but, I have already been to all the manufactures sites.

The data in the link you posted is for .380 not 9mm and it's a 90 gr Speer GDHP not a 90g Hornady XTP.

Maybe I was not clear enough in my first post so I will state what I am looking for again.

I need load data for 9mm using Hornady 90g XTP's with Power Pistol or Bullseye. I am using Starline and Winchester cases and CCI SP primers.


New member
Lyman 49th suggests 3.6gr to 4.0gr of Power Pistol for an unnamed 90gr JHP.
They also suggest 2.0 to 2.9 grains for Bullseye with the same bullet.

They don't list a suggest COAL but I would start somewhere around 0.975".

(I can tell you from experience that I load a Berry's plated flat base 100gr bullet with both those powers at a charge heavier than Lyman's published max with no ill effect)

I wouldn't sweat the difference between an XTP and a Gold Dot for your purposes.

Also to quote from the Lyman 49th:
Heavy (long) bullets of 0.355" diameter may cause bulging due to the internal case taper. This may be ignored so long as the outside diameter of the case at the bulge does not exceed 0.374 inch.

Most folks find that 115gr bullets are too heavy to work well in .380.


New member
I had very good luck with .380 95gr Montana Gold Bullets, using 4.0gr of Power Pistol. I've shot them through a variety of .380's without any issues.

At one time I did have an issue with wrinkling of pistol cases on the Dillon 550B. Turned out the shell plate was a bit too loose. Once I tightened it down a bit, so that it just turned freely, the problem went away.




New member
Thanks again for the suggestions for .380 but, that is not what I am looking for???:rolleyes:

I am asking for load data for 9mm! Again NOT .380!!! LOL

I have Lyman's 49th and the data for the 90g Sierra JHP (#8100) is 4.1-5.2g of Bullseye. 6.3-7.0g of Power Pistol and 5.2-6.5g of AA #5 (The powders I have.)

I know that the bullet weight and type are the same but, even Lyman's says to never substitute one bullet for another and assume the same outcome.

I was hoping that there may be someone out there that has or knows where I could find published and tested data for these powders and bullet combo?


New member
I see now (but did not until you pointed it out!) that you are looking for 9mm and not .380 data.

I say you are splitting hairs by not loading with the published data you have for 9mm with your Lyman 49th. (bullet difference duly noted)

Thus endeth my help -- I wish you luck in finding what you seek.


New member
Sevens, I will more then likely do exactly that but, wanted to try at least to locate the correct data if it exists??:) It's not like I have not done this in the past but, seeing these are pretty common and popular components I thought that the data should/would be out there somewhere? It can't hurt to ask.:D


New member
Okay, I lied, I will help a little more.
You seem to want to go to great lengths to ensure safety and I can respect that. (if even in this case I would advise that it's over spent)

Ben.Amonette@ATK.COM is the tech guy at ATK (Alliant, Federal, CCI, many many many others... but NOT Hornady)

He can't give you published advice for Hornady bullets (Hornady probably will!) but he is the guy to ask for specific advice with Alliant powders, of which Power Pistol and Bullseye certainly are.

Shoot him an e-mail and if you won't then take his advice, you might consider stepping back from the load bench.

Hope that helps.


New member
Sevens as usual you are a great help!!!:cool: Thanks for the email address and insight on how I should be approaching this small issue.:eek:


New member
Hi everybody, first time posting here.

From the Hornady book:
#35500 HP-XTP 90 grain bullet, C.O.L. - 1.070


Power Pistol


Hope this helps!