Llama 38 super


New member
Hi there I got a quick question. I just bought a Llama 38 super off gun broker, and while I'm waiting for it to get here, I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on what I need to look for before I take it out and shoot it ? Im partial to the 1911 style hand guns they just feel good in my hand. I'm a big guy so the large frame is good for me. And by the way I do carry my full sized 1911A1 as a carry gun some times or I also like my browning Hi-power. but Ive always been kind of courious about the 38 super.


New member
I would check the brl. to frame fit on any 1911 type auto I buy --- quick test , with UNLOADED gun , pull back slide and return to battery , push down on brl. hood/chamber -- there MAY be a bit of downward play -- if ALOT of play , needs new link etc. --- also put thumb safety on , pull trigger and then take safety off --- hammer should STAY COCKED.
Will you be reloading for the Super ??


New member
Is it really a .38 Super, or is it (was it) chambered in 9mm Largo? The two cartridges are dimensionally similar, and the Star Modelo Super was chambered in Largo.


New member
Star did chamber guns in .38 Super, so I'm only speculating. I might want to be a bit cautious about shooting .38 Super in it. It's very possible that both will fit, regardless of which the gun was intended for. I think 130gr, .38 Super hardball is not loaded especially hot, but there is some very hot factory ammo, and even hotter handloads that may not be good in an old Star.


New member
well I got the old girl picked upand she looks good it has a verry good bluing and the barrel fit is snug. I did note that the left side of the slide does have cal9mm stampedin it but the right side of the slide has 38 super automatic stamped in it. she shoots well and as soon as I figure out how Ill load some pics. thanks for the pointers and tips.