Living in Hawaii: How bad?

simonov jr

New member
We've been considering a move to warmer climes, and Hawaii is on the short list. It looks ideal until you get to gun laws. Offhand it looks alot like Massachusset, ie I can't own a .22 without asking the local PD for permission. This doesn't seem to bode well for standard TFL-member complement of (plastic and otherwise) firearms. Anybody live or lived there? Is it as bad as it seems, or is there a way to get around the apparent gun-law climate and stomach living there?


New member
My older brother lives there.
I went to visit him in 92.
Just to own a .22 rifle you
need a permit that has to be
approved by the local PD.
What makes matters worse,
you have to renew the permit
every year, If you forget to
renew in time, the local PD
confiscates the gun.
Allso! very expensive...
Remember, this is back in 92!
Thier large pizza is the size
of our medium & It cost $27.oo.
One 8 oz draft beer cost $5.00.
& the asian drivers dont look
befor they change lanes.
A $50,000.oo house here will
cost $300,000.oo over there
& you get no yard. Frount or back.


New member
Considering the cost of living and that you really can't drive anywhere other than the island you live on, I personally wouldn't live there. Now since they are stringent on firearms, I guess I'll avoid that state. If you want a warm climate to live in, have you considered NW, AZ, TX, or NV? I would personally avoid FL... don't like the humidity. :mad:


New member
"don't like the humidity"

Well don't consider Texas then. But our gun laws seem very relaxed. Plus we are a shall issue state.


New member
I loved living in Hawaii while in the military. My apartment was a 15 minute bicycle ride from Waikiki Beach. Their mass transit system is excellent. You can get to and from anywhere on the island riding a bus. You can hop a 30 minute flight to one of the other islands and go snow skiing or hang gliding. Endless places to go diving and surfing. If you happen to be single, there is a never ending stream of tourists flowing through the island, staying for two weeks and heading back to the mainland. You can date someone for a couple of weeks, then they leave and you find another.

BUT, their gun laws suck. That was one of the major reasons I decided not to settle there after my enlistment was up.


New member
Yep, Hawaii is a great place to visit, but I couldn't live there. It's like nature's Disneyland...someplace you go to have a great time for a few days, and then go home, where you can afford your house payments and groceries. I grew up and have lived most of my life in the midwest, but of all the places I've lived, Texas would be my #1 pick, without a doubt.