living in california, looking for some advice


New member
I'm looking to pick up at least one maybe two more pistols before january 1, 2001. Currently I just purchased a delta elite a few months ago. I'm thinking possibly another 1911 style as I like the styling but am also thinking about possible a cz 75 style. Any suggestions would be appreciated here.

Also my gf is possible looking to purchase a firearm. She's actually looking for a colt anaconda, yes you read right. Now the last time she shot it she like it (she's a recoil junky) but she wasn't able to shoot more than 12 rounds or so because it was such a heavy gun and the round was quite a kick. So I was thinking possible more on the lines of a nice .357 mag. nice recoil, good stopping power if needed and she should probably be able to get more rounds through.

For the .44 mag. idea I was looking for maybe an anaconda but since it's a colt prices have shot up quite a bit. I was also looking at *&* 629s. I've heard some things about the 629s and I was just wondering if they were true.

In .357 mag. I was looking at *&* 686 or possible colt king cobras. I'm leaning towards the cobra since it's a colt and will be a good investment, but I've come across a nice deal on a 686. Any advice here would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


New member
If your girlfriend is a recoil junky, why not get her a Taurus Raging Bull? The .454 Casull will recoil her right out of her... uh... undergarments. ;)

What have you heard about the Smith & Wesson 629s? I haven't heard anything bad about them.

The 686 is a good solid gun. I would say it is every bit as good as the Colt Diamondback. You might want to check out the Taurus line of revolvers, as well as the Ruger line.

BTW, do you really like that Nissan of yours?

Guns cause crime like spoons cause Rosie O'Donnell to be fat!

I hunt, therefore I am.


New member
I wouldn't consider a recolver except for a snubnose at this time because most of the revolvers will pass the tests.

I was going to buy a Glock because of the Safety thing but as far as the ATF are concerned it has a manual safety and we are pretty sure it will pas the reliability and drop tests. Sigs and HK's also.

I decided to purchase a CZ75B and soon a CZ75 in .40cal. They are extremely reliable and I have not heard a single bad word about them. My 9mm is the most accurate pistol I have ever shot and I have put over 400rds in it in the last 2 weeks.

The law says the "Manufacturer" must submit the gun. CZ only has a distributer here in the US, unlike every other MFGR. Thats why I ? it's availability.


New member
I also live in Kalifornia. I think that the more esoteric guns are at risk. Will Baer, STI, SVI, Rock River, Novak, Heine, Clark, etc submit three guns of each model for a drop test? If they have a several month backlog then who cares about Calif's market? As a business decision it doesn't make sense to submit for testing. You know Beretta, SIG, S&W etc will submit as the 30 million or so people here represent a significant market. It's all the non "mainstream" stuff (that we all like here at this forum) that is at risk.

There's a big enough market here for IPSC type guns that I suspect the STI/SVI crowd will submit.

My plan is to cruise a few stores at the end of the year looking for something special and offer some low prices on what can't be sold after the new year. They might go for it if they don't have rights to return guns to the distributor.

On the 629. I used to have a Ruger Redhawk in .44, stainless. Coveted all my buddies who had 629's. The Ruger was a well built gun but the 629 is more refined - better finishing, lighter, and a better trigger pull by far. Never heard any complaints from my buddies (and I was living in Alaska where we all carried them out in the woods for marginal bear protection).

[This message has been edited by JiminCA (edited October 25, 2000).]


New member
Ditto what the Captain said. Move back to America.

The Peoples Republic of Kalifornia is one of the few places (along with NY, NJ, MA, MD) where I would not feel confident that a gun I bought today would still be legal next year or five years from now. I think that in most states, and at the federal level, any new restrictions would have a grandfater clause for "pre-bans", just like pre and post Brady. I would never feel that confident in Kali (and would never live there, for that and other reasons). My understanding is that Kali passed a law making it illegal to own certain "assault weapons", such as the SKS, even if you had purchased them legally. (Is this right, I just remember reading this some place.)

My read on the No-gun Nazis is that the current agenda is to totally ban assault weapons (i.e., semi-auto long guns). The next target will be semi-auto handguns. All a true "sportsman" needs is a bolt-action rifle (5 shot max), an over/under scattergun, and a politically correct S*** & Wesson .38. Anything more than that is just going to put bad thoughts in your poor little brain. Based on recent statements, I don't know if Big Brother Gore would go along with the handgun. As with other mindless fads, Kalifornia will be on the leading edge, years before the rest of us back in the USA.


New member
avoid the s&w traitor ****...get a ruger gp100...nice little .357 for your gf...besides, everybody with a real gun (semi-auto) knows that revolvers are just playtoys....and as for living in ca, try moving if possible....

speak now, or forever hold your peace


New member
I live in California also, and as I understand it, these are the rules.

1) No sale or transfer of assualt weapons. These include semi-auto rifles, shotguns and pistols. Assualt means any combat styled gun that accepts removable magazines holding 10 or more rounds. pistols classified assault are those such as the semi-auto uzi, Mac, and Tech pistols. Pretty much those that you are used to have holding 50 rounds or so. removable mags on shotguns are a no-no.
2)Any assualt weapons must be federally registered by sending in a registration card and, you got it, some money.
3)am unclear as to rules on full auto weapons. The SKS had a buyback a couple years ago, but i am not sure how the deal went down.

So..............fight back by carrying concealed. Some CA counties are making it feasible to get a CCW.

Thats all I know so far. Anyways,
Have a good evening.


Use your head, don't believe everything you hear, and never come out on the bottom.


New member
So..............fight back by carrying concealed. Some CA counties are making it feasible to get a CCW.

roundabout,... what counties are these? i too, lived in Kali. am interested in acquiring a CCW, if i know which counties are easy on getting this.



Best way to find out what is going to be banned is to contact the DOJ (someone have the website?). The aim of the tests is to eliminate small, cheap handguns (i.e. "Ring of Fire"). So, if I were you, I would look into getting a Kel Tec P-11 and P-32, a Beretta .380, a Makarov, and or any pocket gun that suits your fancy.

I woudn't worry about Revolvers, their is NO WAY the Gp101 would fail any of their tests, that piece is rock solid.

Likewise I am not too concerned about individual 1911 manufacturer's or other full sized guns. I am confident they will be exempted. If not...F#ck 'em, I'll buy out of state.


New member

I love your attitude :D

everyone should feel the exact way about bs unconstitutional gun laws!


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MTAA:
Likewise I am not too concerned about individual 1911 manufacturer's or other full sized guns. I am confident they will be exempted. If not...F#ck 'em, I'll buy out of state.[/quote]

The CA regulations seem to patterned after the regs in MA (both were probably written by HCI). Here in MA NO NEW M1911s can be sold. So I wouldn't count on ANY M1911s being exempted. Here in MA, the only semi-auto pistols currently "approved" for sale are S&W and Sigs. Since M1911s have neither a magazine safety nor a chamber-loaded indicator, I doubt they will be approved for sale in MA. Note that guns with an external extractor can have a chamber-loaded indicator simply by adding some paint to the top of the extractor (it will protrude slightly when the chamber is full).

Regarding buying a pistol out of state, that's illegal. You can purchase a long gun from an FFL outside of your state of residence. To purchase a pistol from an FFL outside of your state of residence, the pistol must be sent to an FFL in your home state (CA), who then does the actual transfer. That transfer must be in accordance with the laws of your state.

So start buying fast and furious between now and the end of the year. Definitely pick up a pocket gun, like the NAA, or P32. You might also consider a Kahr or Glock, as they're banned in MA now too. Definitely get an M1911, since they won't make it either.



M1911, from what I am aware of, there is no law that prevents me from crossing state lines and purchasing a firearm in Nevada or Arizona or Oregon. I may currently be a California resident, but I have lived in other areas of this country and travel frequently.

As far as the likelyhood of 1911's being outlawed, you have to remember that with 30+ million people here in CA, we have the largest contingent of firearms buyers. The firearms industry has a LARGE interest in our state unlike Mass., and while they are willing to overlook "assault" weapons, which typically have a narrow following, handguns, especially the 1911, accounts for a HUGE amount of sales. Why else would there be so many different companies and variations of this gun ?

In addition, if something as benign as the 1911, a gun that has been in production for almost 100 years is banned, you can expect to see some serious backlash from gunowners. Banning the 1911 is like banning apple pie, eagles, the national anthem. Its about as unAmerican as it gets.

This is the worst that I imagine, 1911 manufacturer's such as Springfield and Kimber are forced to include firing pin safeties on all new 1911's sold in CA. They will probably be given a 1 year grace period, and after that, it's series 80 only.

I also think smaller companies like Clark Custom, Les Baer, Wilson, won't be judged on their individual product, but rather the source from which their frame and slide supply comes from.

Like I said, the aim of this proposal is to eliminate the cheapie manufacturers, not $600+ guns that are out of the "Saturday Night Special" range.


New member is illegal to purchase or attempt to purchase any handgun in a state in which you do not reside unless said purchase is transferred through a FFL in that state to your state. It is also illegal to privately purchase any handgun in a state outside of the one you reside in.


New member
Ditto the Sarge. You cannot buy a handgun in this country except from or through an FFL in your state of residence.

Which is not to say that you can't establish residency in another state, at least temporarily. The following is just some thoughts I've had, that I have never tried, and I don't know of any one that has either. I also don't know if the following is against any laws. God forbid that I would encourage anyone to break a law!! (Paladin Press has numerous books on I.D.s and the law. I haven't read any of them yet.)

Some Mailboxes'R'Us type places give you a mailing address that looks just like a house street address. So you get a mail box in Vegas. Then you go down to the Nevada DMV and get a driver's license, and, like magic, you are a Nevada resident. You will have to surrender your Kali drivers license. Can't see that being a big loss. If you get stopped for a traffic violation in Kali, you just tell the cop you've in the process of moving to Kali, and still have a residence house in Nevada too. I'm not sure how it works in Kali, but I've never had to show a drivers license to get license plates. All they want is the money. Later, if you want, you can "move back" to Kali.


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SgtGunner: is illegal to purchase or attempt to purchase any handgun in a state in which you do not reside unless said purchase is transferred through a FFL in that state to your state. It is also illegal to privately purchase any handgun in a state outside of the one you reside in.[/quote]

That may be true, who's to know?


New member
In KA--land of the 'free,' their State Dept. of Ed. also insists that homeschooling is illegal. (Home School Legal Defense Assn. says there's 4 ways it's legal. Running battles.)

Planned home births are also not legal according to someone.

A friend with a nice collection of rifles, is a homeschooler, and homebirther was thinking of moving there. Panicked, hating it, but needed the job . . . Ended up deleriously happy in Idaho. :D

Kalifornia? I don't even want to visit. Advice: move.



New member
MTAA, I'm really not trying to be rude, but if you have that many firearms owners there, how come you're in such a fix??? Don't people vote out there?

"Charlton Heston is my President"

NRA, NAHC, Buckmasters


SgtGunner, are you dead sure about that ? I've had relatives that have crossed state lines to purchase rifles (NC to SC)without any problems whatsoever. Likewise, if I make my purchase with my passport, how would they estabilish state of residence ? Just curious because I know in the midwest and on the east coast it's common to make purchases across state lines. I didn't know you had to have them shipped to your FFL.

...Thanks Siggy, I didn't read your advice but I bet it was helpful. :(... ;)