Live barer snakes...


Staff In Memoriam
So how many of ya'll know rattle snakes don't lay a clutch of eggs? We got a 3 foot rattle snake with only 3-4 rattles and a button. Buddy squatted to leave a deposit and he hollered out hard... "BRENT BRING SUMTHIN TO KILL...." I couldn't make him out as he was 200-300 yards deep. So I take the "iron" rake with me. He has the rattle snake in sight. So I take an overhand "sling blade toss" and I got it pinned tight. Art brings a limb/club and caves in the head. Story is, Art squatted to do #2 and after the wipe action he is lookin' eye to eye with the snake. So we drag it out with a tine in the neck and a caved in head. we had about 20 minutes of picking up to do.... This snake was unconscious as we would past and it would coil and rattle... So it was "clipped" with lopper cutters. Later on we wanted to open it up. I figger it was a fresh squirrel or older rabbit in the gut. Turns out it was 10 baby rattle snakes in their own "sack" made up of body, yolk, liquid and clear soft "shell"... they all were attached to one "vine/tube" looking like a grape cluster... Coolest thing in years!


New member
Just be careful handling dead vipers....

... people have been bitten by post-mortem reflex; they can still inject venom, or a person can manage to stick themselves on the dead snake's fang(s) in just the right way to squeeze some venom through.

At least, that's what the snake expert who used to come to our safety stand-downs at Whiting and Jax used to tell us.


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ML, Yeah we decided to wait a few hours as we were unsure... We were drinking "fruit shine" and waiting. when I opened the gut and the tumbled out I was in AWE:eek::eek::eek::eek: Seriously... we caught it on cell phone pics but we are fighting getting to my POS puter to share the pics...


New member
Brent did it look like this :)
A friend of mine was prarie dog hunting out west and had this sneak up on him. He ate the snake though :(


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srt 10 jimbo

New member
Old world vipers lay eggs (europe, Africa). Only venomous snake that lays eggs in the Americas are Coral snakes. Was reading in the paper today, a Guy In Hollywood Florida got bit by a Green Mamba, They got him to a Hospital and got the anti venin in him, so he's gonna be allright. Cant believe someone would keep one for a pet.:)


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Impala... Yes it did... 'Cept she only had 10 total and the yolks were almost gone. Snakes were 10-12 inch and fully developed complete with a rattle "button" and it had what looked like a cover on it. I am guessing they were 24-48 hours away from birthing...


New member
I assume this was out in the woods somewhere, since your buddy was taking an outdoor "deuce"......why kill it out there? It's out in its own realm, should just leave it alone. If it's getting a little to close for comfort with your home and you can't bear it, then I guess kill it if you feel the need to, but those in the wild should just be left alone to go about their business.


New member
It's out in its own realm, should just leave it alone. If it's getting a little to close for comfort with your home and you can't bear it, then I guess kill it if you feel the need to, but those in the wild should just be left alone to go about their business.

I feel similar but my Father had a fear of rattlesnakes. However it came from one of the hands on our farm was bitten by a rattlesnake while picking cotton. My father tried to get him to the doctor but he died within 30 minutes. This was back in about 1952 and he never forgot it or got over his wanting to kill any snake he saw.


Staff In Memoriam
pwelsh4hd, this was on a clearing job. The "pasture" we were working behind is actually a large (several acres) dog area. The snake was close enuff to be a possible risk in the future. I am not one to kill every snake I see but if it is a viper any where near where I may hunt with my dogs, their days are numbered.
Ovoviviparity Thanks for the new word Doublenoughtspy.

I have been waiting the better part of 20 years to find a situation in which to use the term...since taking Herpetology and Chordate Anatomy, LOL. I have several more almost worthless concepts I am holding onto for special occasions.