Little Tiny CB (or BB) Caps

Chris W

New member
I'm thinking it'd be nice to have a .22 revolver to keep my new 686plus company, to teach my boy to shoot, to practice for next to nothing, etc. But living on the fringe of suburbia, even the noise of a .22 is going to make me a little self-conscious most of the time--so my question is this: can you shoot those itty-bitty CB caps through a revolver chambered for .22 long rifle without forever screwing up your cylinders or anything else? I imagine those little suckers are pretty innocuous sounding--am I wrong about that? Any experience you might have with them will be more than I have, so thanks to anyone willing to share!


New member
Won't hurt a thing. The CCI short and long are very useful. The Calibre imports are a lot quieter but not very accurate beyond 15 feet or so. I used some the other day to start a new shooter and it worked. She had no flinch in anticipation of the shot and quickly picked up skill with a 38 and 380.


New member
perfectly safe

you can get the cb caps in long brass as MEC said, thus you won't be creating an extra ring in the cylinder, however these really can't damage the cylinder even shooting the shorts,

You definately need to try the Calibre shells, they are extremely silent, and out of a revolver you will get decent accuracy.

The cb capshave reduced loads, the Calibre are primer only.

And you definately need a 22 revolver

Chris W

New member
Sounds great--you've got to love the versatility of revolvers--one of the reasons I fell for the 686. Thanks for the help and recommendations.


New member
You might wish to read up on your local laws

and ordinances. Chances are, you WILL find one prohibiting the discharge of firearms withing city-limits. All it takes is one nosy neighbor and you could be in for it...:(

Now, the Colibri mentioned above doesn't even require ear-protection. It's also useless past 5-7yds., unless maybe you crank your rear sight up near the max height. It seems to have the trajectory of a cantaloupe pitched like a softball.:D The CCI CB caps that I'm familiar with do have a LOT more oomph and may tickle your ears, as well as those of your neighbors.

Lastly, a .22 revolver is an excellent choice for your intended purpose.:)


New member
Everyone should have a .22

I hope you get a fine one.

For home practice I use an air pistol and .177 pellets. The Crosman 1008 is a CO2 repeater. The Beeman P3 is a one cock single shot. Either would be excellent for your backyard practice needs.



New member
CBs, in either their short or long variety, will indeed make noise out of a revolver! You'll get the noise at the barrel cylinder gap as well as the muzzle. Out of a rifle, these things are just about silent since all of the powder has been burned. Tests have shown that you'll even get a lower velocity out of a longer barrel than around 13". That's right, anything longer and the drag of the bullet against the bore is slowing it down. The CBs out of my rifle barrel are actually quieter than my Sheridan 5mm (20cal) pellet gun. The CBs are still quite lethal though, and I've dispatched more than a few pests with them at up to 40yds!

Still, all that said, CBs make perfect training ammo for a newbie. You'll still need eye and ear protection. Step them up slowly to anything that makes noise and recoil.


New member
CB's are great,They work well out of my Taurus tracker for squirrels and crows around 25yds or so. Still,they are loud but not as loud as a standard .22lr from a rifle.

Chris W

New member
You've made me eager to try 'em all! Hopefully, I can swing a deal with another member (in the works now) for a S&W K22 masterpiece, 6". A near perfect match to the 686 and, it appears, a beautiful gun in its own right. I will have to get a bit out of the neighborhood to try anything at all, but I'm not so far from farmland that I can't (hopefully!) find someplace close and hospitable to shoot some tiny bullets. Hooray!