Little fellow followed me home.


New member

I work at an auction and just bid on this Savage single shot .22 just in case it went for next to nothing. I was going to drop out at $70, bidding stopped at $65. I had expected the gun to go over $100.

Now all I have to decide, is which grandkid gets it.


New member
Did you feed it or scratch it behind the ear? I here they are kinda like that. If you feed them or scratch it behind the ear they follow you any where.:D

Looks like a nice gun for a great purpose.


New member
Sorry I didn't give more info.

It's a Model 63k made sometime in the 60's. Since it has a serial number it's probably the late 69s.
The stock is in great condition. The barrel is clean and shiny. There is wear, the bluing isn't perfect.

The grandkid with the most interest in guns is an adult with a little girl of his own. I'm thinking one of the grand daughters would be a better choice.