List of House gun bills


New member
Busy session of congress already. I know some of these are discussed here, but I am including all of the ones I could find that had firearms related provisions. If this needs to be in another thread, or needs to be moved, please do so.

This sessions bills which could have an effect on firearms:

HR203 Requires LEO's to, upon observing or learning that a weapon is present on the premises, seize any weapon that the officer reasonably believes would expose the victim or any other household member to a risk of serious bodily injury, (it seems to me that this means a weapon belonging to the victim is fair game as well)

HR96 Would require gun show promoters to obtain a permit from the US AG to have the gun show, require all vendors to register in a ledger, require the ledger to be sent to the US AG within 60 days (thus registering ALL vendors- even non-firearms ones), and prohibit ALL non-licensees from transferring firearms at a gun show.

HR 226 requires reciprocity of CCW, as does HR 861[/URL]

HR252 redefines a "violent predator against children" as being ANY crime of violence against children- effectively making many "gun crimes" infractions turn you into a "sexual predator"

HR 256 makes it illegal for persons under 21 to own handguns OR "assault weapons" OR high cap mags

HR 808 establishes a "Department of Peace and Nonviolence" which has the authority to "(5) analyze existing policies, employ successful, field-tested programs, and develop new approaches for dealing with the implements of violence, including gun-related violence and the overwhelming presence of handguns;" and "create and establish a Peace Academy, which shall be modeled after the military service academies;provide a 4-year course of instruction in peace education, after which graduates will be required to serve 5 years in public service in programs dedicated to domestic or international nonviolent conflict resolution"

HR989 protects persons whose only role with regard to a product in the stream of commerce is as a lawful seller of the product.

HR 1022 Of course we already know about this one. One hidden thing here: This bill would expand the previous AWB by requiring that all transfers of "assault weapons" go through a dealer, and appears to ban the transfer of all high cap mags, unless through a dealer, and further requires registration of all high cap mags that ARE transferred through a dealer (unless I am misreading here).

HR 1069 Text of this bill not yet available

HR 1096 Text of this bill not yet available

HR 1141 Text of this bill not yet available

HR 1167 Text of this bill not yet available, but looks to expand the NICS.


New member
I didn't even have to click on the HR808 link to guess that it was a Kucinich sponsored bill. Jeesh.......what hippie commune did he grow up on again?


New member
thats the problem

the Hippies have grown up and become our parents and grand parents. they are in control. and who doesnt want to re-live the peace and tranquility that was Woodstock?:rolleyes: (the original not the MTV sponsered suck-fests) Hippies + Politics = bad juju for gun owners IMHO


New member
"Department of Peace and Nonviolence"

I almost fell of my chair when I read that. :barf:

It crazily sounds like the name of some fictional secret police organization from an Orwellian type future. How much you want to bet that if that one goes through it won't be long before the "Peace Academy" is mass producing JBTs with submachine guns looking to impose "Peace and Nonviolence" by eradicating the law abiding gun owner through superior firepower.


New member
HR 226 requires reciprocity of CCW, as does HR 861[/url]

Apologies for asking, but my mind isn't trained to follow the legal jargon that is featured in these bills. What exactly, in layman's terms, does this bill affect? :confused:


New member
H.R. 226 is a pro-gun bill... it will make it so that states have to recognize each other's carry permits in a similiar fashion to the way they recognize each other's driver's licenses.


226 sounds like a good one. I hope it passes.

HR 808 on the other hand sounds like an idea that was born in a college dorm filled with pot smoke. Honestly, what do they hope to accomplish that the UN has not already miserably failed at?


New member
mass producing JBTs with submachine guns looking to impose "Peace and Nonviolence" by eradicating the law abiding gun owner through superior firepower.

That was my though when I saw that: "Peace and Non-violence through superior firepower"


New member
Thank you for posting this information!

When the elections were over I repeatedly said that the "doom and gloom" was real and not myth. I was repeatedly admonished to stop posting my I did stop.
Gawd! I hate being right all the time.
I guess I can always say "I told you so."
But, it doesn't make our liberties get protected from despotism.

Prepare for the fight of your lives if the Dems win the presidency. Not to portend any sort of demise just a good down grass roots fight for liberty.....for a start.

Old Gaffer

New member
CelticMP wrote
Hippies + Politics = bad juju for gun owners IMHO

You might just want to cut us a little slack there; DW and I were (hell, maybe ARE) hippies, and we're both registered Republicans and both going to Annapolis, MD several times over the next month to protest our newly "crafted" Assault Weapons Ban and show support for turning MD into a Shall issue state.

Most generalizations aren't worth a crap - including this one.



New member
There are different ranks of hippies. The smart hippies who rationalized and didn't follow the entire crowd and the others who believed that they should force their way of life on others. There are probably others out there but that's my take on what i've seen


New member
You might just want to cut us a little slack there; DW and I were (hell, maybe ARE) hippies, and we're both registered Republicans and both going to Annapolis, MD several times over the next month to protest our newly "crafted" Assault Weapons Ban and show support for turning MD into a Shall issue state.

Most generalizations aren't worth a crap - including this one.

You don't fit my conception as a hippy then.


New member
I wasn't a hippie. Just a long haired redneck. Surprised a few poeple to. Contact your representavive asap.


New member
I missed one:

HR 1168 would prohibit anyone convicted of a felony in a FOREIGN court from posessing firearms.

For example, possession of a Bible in a Muslim country.


New member
HR 808 - some parts about the "Academy" are interesting. I always thought it would be a great thing for mandatory service much like Israel has. What is it, once you turn 18 - mandatory 2 years of service. I couldn't think of a better way to unify a new generation. Teach them skills that will last a lifetime, have capable defenders of this great nation, and give them a sense of pride and install love of country.

NA-NA- NA- NA- NA- NA-. Oh the Alarm... clearly I was dreaming...


New member
Good finds, so how about a well thought out rebuttal or approval "form letter" for each so we can send our thoughts to the "critters".

I'm not exactly a "scholar of the English language", I'm empathy deficient and my "give a damn is busted" for most social issues, but I want to do my bit and contact my government employee.

I wonder just when did they figured out they didn't work for us?


New member
Update: No changes in status on any of the above bills. They are all still listed as "introduced." The bills whose text was unavailable when the thread began are listed as follows:

HR 1069 is not firearms related, but is a funding measure for an anti gang task force.

HR 1096 repeals the waiting period, mandates NICS checks, does away with the "sporting purposes" distinction, and repeals the child safety lock requirement.

HR 1141 creates an amnesty period, allowing vets who obtained an NFA weapon prior to 1968 to register them without penalty.

HR 1167 adds people who are "not permitted to board an aircraft" to the NICS as people who are also not allowed to own firearms. In other words, TSA now decides if you can own a gun.