Lionheart LH9CN


New member
I keep seeing pics of the gun with flush magazines on various sites. However Lionheart claims they have not manufactured any flush magazines for the LH9CN. Unless these reviewers are using non-factory mags...which a reviewer should not do when doing a review for a product.

How are they obtaining these mags? :(


New member
Gahaha said:
I keep seeing pics of the gun with flush magazines on various sites. However Lionheart claims they have not manufactured any flush magazines for the LH9CN... How are they obtaining these mags?
IIRC the LH9 is derived from the Daewoo DP51, which accepts Smith & Wesson 59-series mags. Perhaps that's what the "mystery mags" are.

Walt Sherrill

New member
I've had two Daewoo DP51s and a DH-40 (the .40 version of the same design), and now have an LH-9. The LH-9 comes with one mag, I think, and it's flush fit. (I got mine used.) The longer ones are probably S&W Model 59 or S&W 59xx mags. They all stick out about an extra 1/4". (I've also got a S&W 20 rounder somewhere that will work. Awkward to use, though -- and too heavy.)

Mags are hard to come by for any of these guns, and the full-size models will use S&W Model 59/59XX mags. I also have a S&W 40XX mag that seems to cycle rounds properly in the LH9, but I've never tried it at the range.

If the LH9CN is a compact model, the flush-fit mags may be from a S&W 469 or 669 or similar S&W Third Gen. "compact".

Getting mags for the DH-40 (the .40 version of the DP-51) was always a problem. I did get a 59-series mag to work in the DH-40 by lowering the top front of the mag (with a Dremel) so that the follower (which sets lower when using .40 ammo in a 9mm mag) would allow the .40 round to feed.

I never tried the S&W 40XX mags in the DH-40 -- didn't have any S&W 4006s or 4043s then -- but did have some old S&W 59 mags. I suspect the S&W 40XX mags could be made to work with a little or no effort.
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