Lion Heart & Gutsy Man


New member

That second guy must have graduated from U of I. He seemed reeeeeeeeeeeeeel smart. Wasnt there another nut in Alaska, who lived with the bears till........... they ate him and his girlfriend..... I can understand why someone would think of such a thing. I just dont believe there's enough alchohol on the planet to get me drunk enough to do it!!!



Yes. Yes, he was. Was it wrong of me to root for the lion to get him? The first video is old; been making the rounds for a few years.

BTW, totally unrelated subject - I didn't want to start a new thread on this, since it's not really hunting-related, unless you consider fishing to be a type of hunting, but hey fisherman66 & others, get a load of this - underwater fishing camera:

I saw these in Bass Pro today. I guess it's for those who don't feel that a regular fish finder is good enough. Sheesh, where will it end, between thermal imaging to find deer & underwater cams to find fish?