Limbsaver, .30-06 and my Power-Port


Staff In Memoriam
Well as many may have seen else where on the forums, I was looking for max protection from shock to my Power-Port installed in right chest with tube going to neck....

I got a Limbsaver slip on for my new 742 Remngton autoloader in .30-06... It fit well enough and eye relief position is better than before the pad...

I flipped it up and it naturally felt good off to the right of my old "pocket"... went out and fired 2 rounds and it really is a soft shooter now...

I don't even know if I need the PAST shoulder pad...



Staff In Memoriam
Mo, This gun is borderline too heavy to tote for me with various old and new aches and pains...

Well I printed a few targets to take to sight in the scope in a day or so... I will report back with those results and pics of shot up paper...:D



Staff In Memoriam
Finally got out to shoot it today and found the worse of my 2 shoulders is my left side forward holding arm... While the Limbsaver was great for my right side, the left side hurt so bad that 3 shot groups were dismal due to flinching...

Scope is close but my groups were like 3 inches at 100 yards...
I quit after 16 rounds...

Might ask about a couple cortisone shots...

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