Lil' Bro, Big gun

Shadi Khalil

New member
Hello all. I recently took my little brother (11yrs) to the gun shop with me while I scooped a cleaning kit and and other accesorices for my yet to arrive sig. It was the first time he had ever seen a gun, let alone hundreds of pistols and riflles at once. Needless to say his jaw was on the floor and he was pretty much in awe. The guys at the shop were really excited that I brought him in, so while I went shopping they took him to play. While looking at ammo I caught a glimpse of him holding a S&W 500 and grining from ear to ear. Right then I decided I would buy him a handgun. I went over and me and the guys showed him various .22. He looked at a smith, walther p22, ruger mkIII (stainless, bull barrell) and the Neo. Most fit his hand pretty well (he's a big little dude) but he went for the p22 because it "looks cool". I prefer the ruger, which was his second choice. I want to take him to the range to try one first but I know the only avaiable to rent are the S&W (which he already ruled out due to how it felt) and the Ruger MKIII. I'm thinking I'm just gonna get him one of the two. So what should I do? As far as reaching the trigger and trigger pull, he was fine with both. Thats where I run into problems. Is it better to get him started on straight SAO of the ruger or the TDA of the Walther? Which will be easier for him to take down and maintain? I will keep the gun when he's not using it but as far as maintance goes, its all on him. I imagine as far as quality and reliabilty goes its the ruger, although I dont have experince with there .22 outside shooting one a few times at the range. So what do you all say? I'm sure plenty of you have been down this road....

thanks for your help.


Shadi Khalil

New member
i thought about that but he has his heart set on a semi auto. I dont want this to be a "whats good for you" type deal, just fun for the little man.
Just show him how much fun it is to cock back that hammer for a first shot and how cool he will look doing it.

If that doesn't work buy him a cowboy hat to go with it. :)


New member
The Ruger is a pain the first couple of times you do it but it's easy once you get the hang of it.


New member
If it is the first time he has ever seen a gun, then you might want to consider a single shot, or bolt action, mag fed .22 rifle. He can get a lot of safety, marksmanship and shooting experience and training and have the fun of actually hitting targets. Pistols are much harder to shoot accurately than rifles.

If you are set on a handgun, I second the idea that a single action revolver is a good way to start. Probably safer because he has to manually cock the hammer to fire a round. Besides, SA revolvers, like my single six, are just loads of fun to shoot.

My preference for a first semiauto would be a Ruger, Buck Mark or 22A. The P22 is "way cool" but it is harder to shoot accurately and is a notch below the others in quality.

I really wish disassembling the Ruger was as difficult as some folks believe. The pistols wouldn't be as popular and the prices, new and used, would be much better. The first time I field stripped a MKIII it was a bit of a struggle, but it helped me to understand how the pistol went together and Ruger's instructions. Then I found this site
which made it much clearer.


New member
If you are set on a handgun, I second the idea that a single action revolver is a good way to start. Probably safer because he has to manually cock the hammer to fire a round. Besides, SA revolvers, like my single six, are just loads of fun to shoot.

Or even a DA/SA revolver. An autoloader is a lot to take in as a first gun for someone so young. I always start out new handgun shooters on a revolver no matter what their age. A girlfriend of mine picked up a DA/SA 9 shot Taurus 22lr revolver (cannot remember the model number) used for cheap that would make a good first handgun.


I understand completely your desire to get the kid what he has his heart set on but this is a firearm we're talking about, not a bicycle or a video game. I do not mean that to sound as snotty as it does as I read it back to myself! You're the adult and the shooter. He'll follow big brother's advice, won't he?

I'm going to second the revolver idea and especially the single action and go so far as to suggest a Ruger Bearcat or Single Six. Rugers are tough and forgiving and maintenance is relatively simple on these SAs. The bearcat will give him a stable 4" platform to learn on, or, the Single Six from 4-5/8" to an almost ludicrous 9-1/2" (squirrels do not find it ludicrous). With a convertible model, he can choose to shoot different calibers, too.

An SA will teach him patience, careful shot placement and our favorite word, SAFETY. I sound preachier by the minute, don't I? I swear it is my love of Ruger, strong dislike of the finicky P22 and pleasure knowing that you're bringing another shooter into our great sport.

I'm an old fogey compare to your lucky kid brother and I have a great time with my Bearcat!

Good Luck, good shooting!

Billy Sparks

New member
Do not discount the Beretta Neos. My wife gave me one for Christmas and it is fun and accurate (for my 40+ year eyes). You can also easily add a red dot to make it more cool/fun.

Shadi Khalil

New member
well i just got back from the rage with him and rented a MKIII and a ruger bearcat! i didnt know they had one in the case but there it was. We took them both out and he really liked the MKIII. He didnt find the revolver easy to cock then reach the hammer, he kept having to adjust his grip and couldnt get comfortable. I was suprised with how naturally shooting came to him, he had no problem operating the pistol and was quite acurate for his first time. I think I'll go ahead and get him the ruger. I really liked the idea of the revolver, thats how i learned (even though it was a .357 snub) and it seems he could get more out of it. As of right now its looking like the MKIII.....Now its back to work. Ugh..........


New member
My first gun (not that long ago) was a Ruger 22/45 Mark II. It's had about 12K rounds through it, it's just getting run in good, solid as a rock. It's a great shooter and still my favorite. Your brother will do fine with the Ruger Mark III. Taking it apart is easy, putting it back together so it works is a little tricky. Follow the procedure in the manual exactly and you'll have no trouble.


New member
ha, you guys are funny, clean the ruger a few times and its a breeze, you just need to learn. Ruger Mk series and Buckmarks are the most solid, reliable, accurate performers out there. Walther has quality issues as does the sig trailside and sig mosquito. a smith 617 or K-22 if you want to spend more would be awesome.


New member
The MKIII is one of the best 22 pistols made. I have the target model with slab sides and target grips. After he learns iron sights get a cheap BSA red dot scope and he will have a blast. Take down is a pain!! But there is a kit made that makes takedown very simple. I need to get it for mine!!
PS, You're a good older bro!!

Shadi Khalil

New member
thanks XD and Hornet, i try....

Well i thought I'd just drop this in here. After the range I dropped my brother off at our parents house and went to work. I spent most of the day in meetings and when I got back to my desk I saw that my mom and dad had called my desk and my cell like 20 times. My brother got home and told them all about his day at the range and how he was getting a brand new gun, ect... Well my parents flipped out. Even though the gun will be kept at my house, 35 miles away, and only used when he is with me, they still dont like the idea of him being around guns. I probably should have told them my intetions first but then i figured they would absolutly forbid him from going near a gun. for them its not a matter of them trusting me with him at the range, they only see the accpect of violence attributed to the gun, not the sport or disiplines it teaches. I think the best way for them to see is to actually take them to shoot and let them see him shoot. What do you guys think?


I think you tried to do a nice thing, but you gotta respect your parents wishes. When my son is around 10, I plan to buy him a .22 rifle and teach him to shoot, but brothers aren't dads.


New member
The Ruger Mark III in the 5.5" bull barel in stainless is a great gun. Yes, it is a challenge to tear down. Have a gunsmith do it for you a couple of times each year, if he shoots frequently.

Honestly, IMO, the P22 is at best a plinker. It may look cool, but the Ruger will probably be the best long-term gun purchase you may ever make. Also, the Ruger isn't too picky whe it comes to cheap ammo. I've owned both and the P22 was a mistake.