Lightweight 20 inch barrel, free floated AR upper?


New member
I think I know what I want, but do not find it sold in an already assembled upper.

I believe I would like an A3 upper with a lightweight or pencil profile 20 inch nitrocarburized barrel like the kind offered by DEZ in the link below.

While I would prefer a free float tube of some sort, I could probably get along just fine with a conventional front sight base and handguards. The idea would be something light, reasonably accurate and easy to clean.

Does someone already sell this, or do I need to find an AR armorer to assemble the parts?* Is any of this a terrible idea?

Thanks in advance.
*"Learn how to assemble the upper yourself and just do it" probably would not be the responsible alternative given my lack of patience and mechanical ability.


New member
zukiphile said:
Is any of this a terrible idea?
Not necessarily. Though most people who want a lightweight rifle use a 16" barrel. Is there a specific reason you wanted a 20" barrel?


New member
Is there a specific reason you wanted a 20" barrel?

Specific may be too strong a word. I generally prefer 20 inch barrels based on the following observations:

1. The loud part is four inches farther away;
2. there may be a small gain in velocity;
3. the leverage of the barrel is greater for dampening wobble, given the same weight;
4. the whole rifle configuration is what I am used to.
5. this is a recreational item and I don't anticipate the extra length having any downside.

If there are reasons that this isn't a good configuration (which can be a valid reason for it not being offered), I am open to being educated about them.


New member
I think if I was going to pay for a Remington branded AR, I'd have to do the R-25 in 7mm-08. That would be pretty much all you needed in North America for hunting unless you're after brown bear or grizzlies.
