

New member
LIFE CASE can be put on in under two seconds even while sitting in a car or airline seat. You cannot put it on wrong.

i want one just to prove that statement wrong. im thinking having a leg through the armhole would be wrong enough, maybe both, wear it like a balistic daiper. then sue the company, because i clearly put it on wrong when they said i couldnt. maybe we should all do it and make a big law suite and then get a huge settlement and then plan a group buy of some rad new gun!!


New member
I understand that you need to be a card carrying, gun hating, full ultra left wing radical to apply for one, . . .:eek:

Portable Casket would be a better name than life case for that "thang".:D

May God bless,


New member
two words:

...head shot.

I laughed 'til I couldn't breathe when I saw that thing. What's sad is there are probably lots of people who will shell out the money for one.



C Philip

New member
Why would anyone but this rather than a concealable level IIIA vest? It makes no sense. The area protected by the "lifecase" is so small, not to mention so obvious that anyone who wanted to shoot the wearer would just shoot around it.


New member
Oh yeah, just what I want - extra weight hanging off my body when the shooting starts.

Let's see... about 6 lbs empty, plus your 3 lb laptop, a notebook, daytimer appointment book, pens, pencils, cell phone, spare laptop batteries, charger unit, project documents, expense reports, etc. Yeah, I really want to have between 10 and 17 pounds hanging high-front off-balance on my chest.

Investing in high quality personal body armor would be a better use of your money than this kind of mall-ninja product.

Besides, once you've put that on, any BG intent on hurting you will now go for a head or pelvic shot.


New member
Reminded me of the old spagetti western where Clint Eastwood was wearing a big piece of boiler plate strapped to his chest.


New member
I think it would work well. The Bad guy would laugh himself to death. The bad guy has an MP5 and suddenly sees you put your briefcase on your chest. Ya think he is going to put all 30 round into the briefcase oddly hanging on your chest.I like how they mention 9/11, like their product will help you in a 9/11 type attack???


New member
You see an armed BG running up to you. In the 2 or 3 seconds it takes to put it on, he's either going to aim slightly higher for your head or fall over from laughing so hard.

Dog Confetti

New member
Well, it can clearly be put on in the time it takes to go from the low-ready to don't lie. For those of you who may live in NM I believe it's manufactured by some local east-mountain fruitcake (which speaks volumes if you know the area).


New member
I clicked on the "contact us" link on the website. Here's the root domain for the contact email addr:

Seems the genius that sells "the lifecase" also offers personal defense training!

Anyone interested in a TFL fieldtrip??? :D

EDIT: want another good laugh??? another warriorshool link


New member
Well.... I guess if were all you had.

Heh - I was sure this was a real product until I saw the prices. :eek:


New member

The Cheney lookalike would be better served by putting it on his back and hot footing it for the tall timber.


New member
How do you get this guys job?



Legs aren't too bad. :D Funny, no classes I have been to had any women in short skirts on the floor like that. Guess I missed that class.