Life imitates art again (Minority Report)


New member
Hi fix,

I saw this report on Drudge and started a thread too.

I'm not one for the tin foil in most cases but this kind of thing gives me the creeps big time. They say the modeling tool in not incorporated but I don't know how much I trust that. What would keep the downstream user for having their own, internally developed tool to crunch the numbers?
Gun ownership was the fisrt thing that crossed my mind immediatly followed by.....what if they track who posts what and where in the internet.
Yep, it's worrisome.

Take care

Ben Swenson

New member
Very interesting.

Cute that it was named for a movie based on the premise of controlling people by making them believe lies.

I wonder ... were they able to obtain warrants using this system?


New member
high "quotient."
Another way of Stereotyping or Profiling perhaps.
Buddy of mine went to buy #4 sand for his sandblaster; usual source quit stocking it. Too much hassle with the paperwork and 'visits". Buddy just wanted to sandblast some outdoor furniture, not commit an act of terrorism. Ammonia Nitrate another....grass on property needs some help is all...
Orwell to the next level - huh?


New member
:eek: This is frightening. Any person can peacably conduct research, live amongst certain types, buy certain materials, buy defense weapons, and score high on the quotient.

Is this actionable? Are we now in a situation where we must prove that we are clean? That our "thoughts" are pure?


New member
Ramer, the Florida agent, said the scoring system was scrapped because it was "really specific to 9/11," and not applicable for everyday use. Also, he said, "we didn't want anybody abusing it."
I'm sure they'll update it for the post 9/11 world and then abuse it.

sm, what's the deal with sand? I've never heard of that being regulated.

Standing Wolf

Member in memoriam
Matrix, which has 4 billion records, merely speeds access to material that police have always been able to get from disparate sources, and does not automatically or proactively finger suspects.

See? I told you we're not a police state.


Moderator Emeritus
I wonder what Robbie the Robot would say about a Civil War reenactor of Middle Eastern descent. :confused:

"Alert! Alert! Achmed just bought black powder!"


New member
what if they track who posts what and where in the internet.

A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Posted by:

Boris Karpa, Ashdod, Israel.


New member

Understand I "survived" chemistry.

It has to do with the sand having silicates. Don't ask me how , but somehow one can make stuff that goes boom. Like ammonium nitrate is use to make soil better, it can also make things go boom.

I'm not wanting to know for bad reasons, but I am curious and like to learn things. That "knowledge is good" and "know what to look out for" dealies. I want to read the Anarchist's Cookbook.

Okay I wonder how many "quotient" points I'd get for that purchase.
I prefer non-menthol cigarettes...but I ain't gonna be picky if "Big Brother and The Holding Company" - has a new home for me. Send matches too. ;)


New member
Silicates eh? I guess that would explain why I've seen ground glasss mentioned as an ingedient in priming compound and IIRC, some explosives.

I've heard that the cookbook you mention is not a good source of information. Seems some of the 'recipes' are faulty and can cause bad things to happen to the 'chef'.


New member
well, some of the recipes in the latter half of the book can be difficult to get correct, if you have been partaking of the recipes in the first part of the Cookbook.... ;)