License Holders & Gun Violence


New member
Ok, Georgia just relaxed some of the restrictions on where a person with a Georgia Weapons License can carry a gun. While the changes are what I consider positive they really aren't a major change from what currently exists. However, many folks posting on some local sites are acting as if every license holder will suddenly start shooting folks down in the streets.

So, just curious if anyone has seen any real data that reflects what percentage of gun violence is committed by people with a license/permit versus unlicensed individuals? I’ve got to assume it’s a very small percentage, but honestly don’t know.


New member
Quite awhile ago I saw some figures on revoked CCL's for some of the states, but I never saved the link. The number was a very small percentage -- like a small fraction of a single per cent. What was lacking from that data was the reason their permits were revoked. I'm sure many were for reasons other than a firearm violation (ie:domestic violence, maybe DUI's, etc.)

Maybe someone will chime in with the link to that info.


New member
BarryLee said:
So, just curious if anyone has seen any real data that reflects what percentage of gun violence is committed by people with a license/permit versus unlicensed individuals?
The TX DPS has conviction statistics for CHL holders readily accessible on the Interwebz. Here's the link:

For just about any given crime, any given year, the conviction rate for CHL holders is much, much lower than the population in general. Most of the exceptions are rare crimes for which there are very few convictions at all, so the higher rate could be a statistical fluke from the small sample size.

One other thing. I respectfully ask you and all other firearms enthusiasts to discontinue using the term "gun violence". The antis have been frequently using this term as a "catch-all" for every incident when someone is harmed by a firearm, including accidents and suicides. Don't play into their hands. :)