Libyan Pistol?

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New member
I checking out a news site and saw this picture of a Libyan fellow.

His pistol is not one that I recognize. It looks like a flare gun maybe?
Can anyone tell me what it is? Do you all have any info on it?



New member
At least his gun actually shoots something. I saw a news story today that showed some of the rebels don't even have actual guns. You know it's bad when you are on the front lines and all you have to keep you safe is a plastic look-a-like.


New member
Funny thing is that he's got the flare gun in his hand but still has the rifle on his shoulder. I guess if you plan things right all you need is a flare gun (thinking back to the old A-Team TV show I watched as a kid). I think just as long as it's not a flair gun (thinking to Office Space and Jennifer Anniston's flair on her suspenders) you should be ok.


New member
I for one hope and wish the best for them over there. Sucks when the leader of your country wages war against you.


New member
Flare gun

Yep...It is a flare pistol. I respect the guy for suiting up with whatever he can to defend himself and his family and his country from KaDaffy. I noted also that he does have a variant of the AK family.
Back to "field expedient" survival and resistance training:
"If all I have is a rock I will use the rock to take a stick from someone...
With my stick I will find someone with a knife and take it from them...
With my nice, new knife I will ambush someone with a handun and take it from them...
Once I have my handgun I will look for a man with a shotgun and the shotgun will become mine...
When I have my new shotgun I'll look for a guy with a rifle and once I have my rifle I'll laager up and do some damage until some guy drives by with a tank.
When I have my tank, my rifle, my shotgun, my handgun, my knife, my stick and my rock I will begin to own the field until I own the enemy's ass!
I will never stop until I win or die!


New member
That's a pretty classy looking flare gun. I wonder what sort of arms will be given to the people by the US and allies, if any.
Am I the only one who wonders how long americans could "protest" in Washington DC? I'm pretty sure the protesting going on in Libya wouldn't be legal in the US, either. In DC they would have to apply for a protesting permit, then take their protest to a designated "protest zone".
I'm just sayin...


Am I the only one who wonders how long americans could "protest" in Washington DC? I'm pretty sure the protesting going on in Libya wouldn't be legal in the US, either. In DC they would have to apply for a protesting permit, then take their protest to a designated "protest zone".
I'm just sayin...

You just had to slip than in didn't ya? At least you mentioned something about the gun.:rolleyes:


New member
I'm assuming there are lots of Tokarevs, Hi-Powers and CZ's in that part of the world.
I wasn't trying to take ther whole thread off topic earlier, its just that really, how far can a conversation about Libyan firearms go without at least a little current events commentary? I am just amazed at how protesters here can face violence from the police at times with very little negative press, but the media is supporting peoples right to do something in another country that we can't do here. Continue on, just my 2 cents and worth even less.
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