Libya to Head Up UN Human Rights Comission....

Justin Moore

New member
Just like Hitler heading up the "We Love the Jews Comission" ;)

August 23, 2002 9:00 a.m.
Human-Rights Charade
Libya, leading the human-rights crusade at the U.N.

eadership of the U.N. Commission on Human Rights rotates regionally, and it's Africa's turn next year. Some observers figured that African governments would want to put their best foot forward, considering the fact that the Group of Eight industrial countries had agreed in June to promote the continent's economic development in return for progress on human rights, democracy, and corruption. It was called the New Partnership for Africa's Development.

The African countries chose to nominate Libya.

Name a human-rights violation, and it's likely to be practiced by the Qaddafi regime in Libya. Summary executions? Check. Execution of political prisoners? Check. Torture? Certainly, including but by no means limited to: "applying corkscrews to the back," "pouring lemon juice in open wounds," "suffocating with plastic bags," and "attacking with dogs" (to quote the U.S. State Department). There is also the small matter of the regime's history of terrorism.

Libya's foreign ministry issued this statement: "Libya is a country where the respect of human rights is enshrined. The security, political stability and economic prosperity enjoyed by Libya are the proof of its respect of human rights." In other words, being a one-party state is proof of a country's commitment to civil liberties.

Writing in Canada's National Post, Steven Edwards reports that U.S. officials are trying to get the African countries to reverse themselves. They are not, of course, warning them that development assistance is contingent on a reversal-these are American diplomats, after all. They are saying, instead, rather amorally and condescendingly, that Africa may have made the decision in good faith but "without perhaps really thinking about the ramifications and the reaction."

The State Department is, however, being bold on one front, calling for a change to the rotation system and for membership in the commission to require adherence to minimal human-rights standards. That policy would be quite a change for the commission. Its 53 members this year include China, Zimbabwe, Sudan, Syria, and Saudi Arabia.

Last year, the United States lost its membership on the commission, having evidently been deemed unworthy of such august company. We will be returning next year. We shouldn't be-especially if Libya prevails.

Does anyone doubt that the UN is anti american and serves no useful purpose anymore?


New member
It *is* one of the better responses to UN silliness I've seen in quite some time.

Khadaffi leading a human rights iniative. Jesus Cristo, save us all. :rolleyes:



New member
Forgive me for this, but when people question the possibility of a SHTF scenario, I just look at this.....

Justin Moore

New member
If you liked THIS thread, make sure to read my other one about the UN Earth Summit. Where all the other nations of the world blame the USA for world poverty. Meanwhile they are macking down on lobster and filet mignon, and drinking bottled water, while the poor Africans outside are starving to death.


New member
Lawdog got it pretty thoroughly said on the previous referenced thread.

I have felt that way since the U.N. was foisted upon the world.


New member
Fox guarding the hen-house, eh?

How about nominating Jim Jones to be the lead bartender?

Klaus Von Bulow to head "domestic affairs" ?


The U.N. Secretary of Irony was unavailable for comment...
No, no...that responsibility has been handed to the UN Secretary for Global Absurdity.

Kinda makes one wonder what Kofi's position would be today if the GPS navigators had been programmed a little bit differently last September, doesn't it?

Good thing I'm an optimist...

Master Blaster

New member
Hey you know what UN stands for? UN = Unbelievable Nitwits.

Lets nominate Ayatollah Kahmeni as the secretary of Thong Bikinis.

Sadam Hussein could be the new chief arms inspector.

Yassir Arafat could be the secretary in charge of what to do with those pesky Jews.

Maybe we could hire some Saudi Pilots to fly a jet into the UN building.:eek:


New member
You people stop bad-mouthing the UN.

We here in the US are asked to cede sovereignty to the UN.

Speak with a little more awe and respect for our future leaders.


New member
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Those nice Air Force boys need to pick a new color. They're too hard to distinguish at 800 yards.