

New member
Anybody, anywhere who endorses gun control or any other infringement of our rights in any form should read this article.

Wait, I forgot...obeying the law, regardless of what the law says, is more important.

Ca suffit!

MP Freeman

New member
I especially liked this little section:

Arguably, the most significant political-legal document written in English, or any other language, in the entire history of Mankind is the July 4th, 1776 Declaration of Independence. The July 4th Declaration is arguably the most significant political-legal document because it declared the following concepts and linked them together for the first time in a new manner:

* Man has a Creator.
* Man has inalienable rights that exist in Nature, before the creation of civil authority.
* The Creator, not civil authority, is the source of Man's inalienable rights.
* Man's inalienable rights include, but are not limited to, the right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
* These inalienable rights survive the formation of society and the creation of government.
* The only legitimate purpose of government is to secure these rights—without infringing upon them; and
* When government's prolonged oppression of the people becomes insufferable, the people have a right and a duty to overthrow government and establish a new rule of law that will restore and preserve these inalienable rights.


Rather good link.
