Libertarians on the March!


Staff Emeritus
More and more people are getting sick of the big #1 party, the
Republocrats, and their pretense that they are two separate parties!

When “opposing” Presidential candidates such as Bradley (D) and McCain
(R) help each other with political campaign funding, how can ANYone
pretend these are two separate parties? At best, they are merely two
wings of the same big oligarchy!

And Americans are starting to wise up!

In spite of their fears, more Americans are joining the REAL second party -
the Libertarians. For example:

Libertarian Party Revenue is on the rise:
1987 - less than $400,000
1999 - about $ 2,750,000 (projected to nearly double in 2000)

Libertarian Party membership and contributors more than *tripled* in six
1993 - about 11,000
1999 - about 39,000

Libertarian Party monthly interviews in the media have more than
*tripled* since 1996!
1996 - about 12/month
1999 - about 45/month

Though there are few Libertarians at the national level - Senator Ron Paul
being the Libertarians’ brightest star - the Libertarians are gaining local
positions at a faster rate than any other political party.

In 1999 the Libertarians fielded nearly 300 candidates for public office -
the greatest number ever in an off-year election cycle and more than all
other third parties *combined*!

Thirty-four more Libertarians were elected - including ten new city council
members. The most impressive win was Phil Miller in Greenfield, Indiana.
Libertarian Miller defeated an entrenched Republican incumbent - the
Republican county chairman and the district chairman for Congressman
Dan Burton.

The Libertarian Party now holds 168 elective offices and an additional 112
appointed offices. Compared to the Republocrats that is very few - but the
Republocrats are losing elections and Libertarians are winning!

The Libertarian Party will field more than 2,000 candidates in the year
2000, including (for the first time) in a majority of U.S. Congressional

More and more people are beginning to realize that the Democrats and
Republicans have joined hands to take over America for their own benefit.
With every new member of the Libertarian Party, the Republocrats’ pork
barrel spending and kingly benefits are increasingly endangered.

Why are people leaving the Democrats?

- Democrats took the lead in the charge to censor and tax the Internet.
- Democrats keep pushing to create new and massive federal data bases
on many subjects on most Americans.
- Democrats took the lead in the attempt to take away our right to choose
our own health care physicians.
- Democrats are trying to implement stronger and more punitive laws and
regulations to outlaw firearms and our right to defend ourselves and our
loved ones.

But the Republicans are different, right? They’re for smaller government?

- Republicans took $750,000 from the taxpayers for grasshopper research
in Alaska.
- Republicans took $1,200,000 for a park on the Galapagos Islands.
- Republicans took $200,000 for the *Toledo Mud Hens* minor league
baseball team.
- Best of all, Republicans spent $500,000 for “manure handling and
disposal” in Mississippi!


It’s true that the Libertarian Party is smaller than the Republican Party or
the Democrat Party. But the Libertarians are the fastest growing political
force in America today.

Only the Libertarian Party provides Americans with a viable alternative to
the Republocrats.

Remember the “Know Your Customer” program? The federal
government and FDIC tried to require every bank in America to develop
profiles on their customers and report any “unusual” financial activity to
federal officials. They defined “unusual” in such a way that if you sold
your car and deposited the money in your private bank account, you would
be forced to explain yourself to the feds! Your money! Your account!
You’re guilty of “laundering drug money” until you prove yourself innocent!

On January 11, 1999, Libertarian Party Press Secretary George Getz
explained the “Know Your Customer” program on WJBO Radio in Baton
Rouge, Louisiana. Citizen outrage against this federal program was begun
and fueled by the Libertarians.

The Libertarian Party then set up the website
and within three weeks the FDIC was bombarded with more than 170,000
e-mails from that Libertarian website.

The outrage created by the Libertarian Party was so great that U.S.
Representative Richard Baker - a SPONSOR of the program - reversed his
stand and introduced a bill to repeal the “Know Your Customer” program.
In 17 days, Rep. Baker went from sponsoring this outrageous legislation to
introducing a bill to kill it - as a direct result of your Libertarian Party
acting to preserve your privacy rights.

The media called the Libertarian success a “case study” in using the
Internet for grassroots political activities.

How about “The Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act of 1999 (HR

This act would *abolish* many reprehensible aspects of asset forfeiture.
On June 19, 1999, Mr. George Fishman, a staff member of the House
Judiciary Committee (chaired by Rep. Henry Hyde) requested the help of
the Libertarian Party. The Libertarians activated their e-mail list.
Libertarians responded with e-mails, faxes, letters and phone calls. The
endangered bill passed the House with an overwhelming majority.

In the autumn of 1999, a Washington lobbyist sought out the Libertarians
to help prevent Congress from censoring the Internet.

Other groups have come to the Libertarians for help on other issues such
as National ID cards and “universal health Identifier” numbers.

No party in America can match the growth of the Libertarian Party. As
more and more Americans realize the tyrannical danger of the united
Democrat/Republican political machine, they are turning to the one and
only viable party that believes Americans have the right to choose their
own health care, to maintain their own privacy, to maintain control over
their private lives, and to choose to defend themselves and their loved
ones effectively.

As Americans learn to vote for what is right, rather than voting for less evil
choices, the Republicans much choose whether they are going to represent
Big Government dominance over Americans, or are they going to join the
Libertarians in returning to a government of, by, and for the People.

If you like our current Democrat Republican government and its goals then
maintain the current slide into subservience.

If you think it’s time for a change - join the Libertarian Party.

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!


New member
Dear Sir,
Your post was a well-worded megaton of truth.
It really doesn't matter any more if one votes for GOP or DNC. They are all supporters of a neo-caste system with themselves at the top.
Voting Republican does nothing. Even Saint Reagan wasn't as freedom minded as he should have been.
American Citizens need to actively support the Libertarian Party. You know the LP isn't a part of the big "they", because the media nodes universally ignore it. The media is a part of the top caste.
Be active! Do something!


New member
It makes me proud of my handle.

I remember back in the late 70's when I first outted myself as a Libertarian. My father actually laughed at me and informed me of the absurdity of their platform. Last year he asked me for state and national Libertarian party information. I just smiled and gave him the urls.


New member
Dennis, you're right on the money! When I was in school, libertarians were just those kooks who pelted you with literature when I went into the courthouse to pay tickets, and stuff. I thought they were wierd to say the least. I married a wonderful woman who exposed me to libertarianism, and now that I actually read their literature, it only seeks to return our government back to its constitutional limits, and now I can see that *most* Republicans are no different than Democrats. Don't believe me? Why- with a ruling majority in the house and senate, have they not repealed any gun laws, asset forfiture laws or any other stupid laws? Because they support it. Just so the uninitiated don't get confused, Ron Paul is a Republican by political party because that is how you get elected in his district. He is a small 'l' libertarian meaning he espouses liberty over tyranny, and believes in Constitutional government. I am a big L libertarian, meaning that I am a card carryin' member of the party, and while I occasionally vote for a republican like Ron Paul, or Alan Keyes, it is only because they are small 'l' libertarians. YUP, if you like Keyes' message, then you too are probably a libertarian. If anyone living in Texas close to Victoria, Austin, Houston or anywhere in-between, would like to help Dr. Paul (yeah, MD type)get reelected so he can continue to fight the good fight, then e-mail me, and I will find a place on his campaign to put you. If you truly believe in the second amendment, then you should try volunteering on these campaigns. They're fun, and you get a lot of free t-shirts to boot! So go out and help our cause by helping theirs.


New member
The Libertarian Party is the only party that makes sense.

Alan Keyes is *almost* a libertarian (small l). As far as I know, he supports making abortion and euthanasia a crime. A libertarian would not. He also talks about homosexuality and religion more than a libertarian would. That said, I believe he is the most libertarian-like of all of the Republicrat candidates for president this year- enough so for me to support him.

The Libertarian opinion on RKBA:

The complete Libertarian platform:

Harry Browne, the likely Libertarian presidential candidate, 2000:

Alan Keyes:

[This message has been edited by lp (edited January 31, 2000).]


Staff Alumnus
Well, I suppose this is a good time for me to out myself as well.

LP National member 605096.

Vice-Chair of the El Paso County (CO) Libertarian Party (no, not chairman of vice, thank you).

"If your determination is fixed, I do not counsel you to despair. Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance."
-- Samuel Johnson
I am card-carrying Libertarian Party member 649105.

Additional revelation - last week I attended the (Iowa) Republican caucus in my precinct, changed my voter registration at the door from no party to Repub, voted for Ambassador Keyes, and was elected a delegate to the Repub county convention, where I will vote for the ambassador again. If enough interest is expressed in this forum I will report on the county convention.

Slowpoke Rodrigo...he pack a gon...


New member
I too am a card-carrying, big "L" Libertarian.

Anyone interested in a good summary of contmeporary Libertarian thinking should read "Send in the Waco Killers" by Vin Syprinowicz. Excellent RKBA content.


Staff Emeritus
If you love freedom, vote for it.
If you love liberty, vote for it.
If you love our Constitution, vote for it.

If we unite to support our Constitution,
we can eliminate the fear of tyranny.

No wrong can conquer right if we vote for Rights!

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!


New member
Great bunch of statistics but you left out a few of the important ones. How many elected reps and senators? How many elected presidents? Just an oversight I'm sure, since they are the ones who actually pass the laws we actually have to live under. :rolleyes:


The Beez

New member

If I had a vote for every person who told me, "gee, I like a lot of what Libertarians stand for, but they don't stand a chance of getting elected," I could get elected to state assembly in California, at least.

This is what's known as the self-fulfilling prophesy effect. Our only hope to break free of our downward spiral towards tyranny is to break free of this mind-locking myth of the "wasted vote."

--The Beez


New member
One who votes must choose Libertarian over the TwoParties. The TwoParties are not a real choice. It's like choosing between Lenninism and Stalinism. Voting Libertarian is voting for Capitalism and the Constitution.
No Libertarians in the Senate. Well, before Ventura, there had never been a Reform Party Govenor of Minnesota.
It doesn't matter if Bush or Gore wins. The Two parties are the same. They switch back and forth depending on the political need.
Republicrat leaders find the Constitution irritating. They would like it to go away. Libertarians actualy read the thing and would like the FED to obey it.


New member
I susbscribe to libertarian ideals, but have not joined the party because of the pledge to not initiate the use of force.
Is a pre-emptive strike offensive, the initiation of the use of force, or defensive, using force to prevent force being used against you? Some Libs feel that one must actually be attacked first in order to morally respond with force; others believe that when you know force is going to be used against you at some point in the future, it is defensive in nature to attack the source of that force and disable it before it can be used against you. I favor the latter.
This is a pertinent question; Unintended Consequences is a case in point; did Henry initiate the use of force, or did he respond to the threat of force pre-emptively? One could say that in the initial raid on Kane's property, Henry acted defensively. When he expanded operations and other people began taking up the cause, was that defensive or offensive action? I think it was defensive. Until the LP can resolve that particular issue to my satisfaction, I will remain a "little 'l' libertarian."

Shoot straight regards, Richard at The Shottist's Center


New member
Seriously, voting Libertarian is about courage.

[confrontational author/audience footing]
As far as I can tell, we're all libertarians. You all want libertarian leaders. Why do any of us cling to the Ruling Parties? A need to be liked? A CYA deposit against future Gestapo visits? "I'm one of you! I voted for Hitler like every other good patriot."

Surely everyone here realizes that voting for the spineless or the evil is tantamount to voting for Hitler.

Vote ethically, if only so you can live with yourselves.
[/confrontational author/audience footing]

And have a nice day.


New member
HI, my name is Brian and I'm a small 'l' libertarian. The LP has disappointed me a few times, and I'm not much of a joiner, hence the little 'l'. I do vote for Libertarians, however, whenever I get the chance.

westex, those charmers we have in congress and the legislatures who, "actually pass the laws we actually have to live under" are the problem. Continuing to vote for them makes things worse, not better. Why not vote for someone who will vote to repeal gun laws?

"Every decent man must be ashamed of his government." H.L. Mencken


New member
I'm not much of a joiner anymore so I'll remain a little "l" for a while. I have never voted for anyone that I did not share my beliefs and felt I could trust. Weather that person was a Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Reformist.... was not the issue. This tradition will continue till the day I die. Lately the Libertarians have met most of these criteria and have earned my support.

If stupidity hurt, liberals would be walking around in agony.


Staff Emeritus
Great bunch of statistics but you left out a few of the important ones. How
many elected reps and senators? How many elected presidents? Just an
oversight I'm sure, since they are the ones who actually pass the laws we
actually have to live under.


1) So we should not vote for the only people who can save our Constitution
because nobody voted for them in the past because they were voting for
those who destroy our Constitution. (?)

2) In an earlier thread, I was told, “The Libertarians can not hope to
compete on the national level until they have had some success at the local
level.” Now, in spite of my comment that we only have Ron Paul at the
national level, we are told not to vote for Libertarians because they’re only
succeeding at the local level. (?)

Libertarians are getting there - slowly. The only question is whether
enough people will quit voting for the immediate or gradual destruction of
our Constitution before they understand what they are doing.

And, by the way, we have HAD Libertarian Presidents - but back then they
were called Republicans and even Democrats.

But the Democrats have become The American Socialist Party.

The Republicans have become the Democrats’ boot-licking sycophants -
merely a Socialist Auxiliary abusing the Republican lable. To believe the
staged “pillow fights” between those two parties represent a difference in
political goals is self-delusionary. They are only fighting over our political
corpses as carrion eaters so often do.

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!


New member
Someone in this thread said something like "...we're all libertarians at heart". True statement but we need to live in the real world, not in a world of "what if's" or "should be's". You know and I know no big L type person will probably ever be elected president in our life times. Probably not in my children's life times.

I am not going to waste my vote (which would actually be a vote for the the antis) by voting for some big L candidate. It's kind of like the guy hanging in the tree who was asked "what happened?". His reply was "I had the right-of-way but the other guy was driving an 18 wheeler".




Staff Emeritus
And I will fight for your right to vote any way you please! ;)

My only point remains that you are voting FOR gun control - just "Gun Control Lite" rather than Gore's "Gun Control Ale".

We have the same goal! Merely different perceptions, that's all.
- I consider every vote NOT for the Second Amendment to be a wasted vote. I refuse to "waste" mine.
- You consider every vote not stopping Gore to be a wasted vote. You refuse to "waste" yours.

I understand - I really do. But we can disagree on THIS point because we still agree so strongly on so many others.