Libertarian books?


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'The Law' by frederic bastiat. Lays the groundwork for a libertarian philosphy. $3 at barnes n noble, or free at


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'Lever Action Essays' by L. Neil Smith
It's a compilation of a bunch of his essays. Many of them are available on his website.

'The Virtue of Selfishness' by Ayn Rand
A collection of her essays and letters. Some of it is kinda dry, but it really lays out a lot of the fundamentals of human existence/rights.

'1984' by George Orwell
Only read this if you want a case of the willies.

'A Nation of Cowards' by Jeffry Snyder
A collection of essays dealing with guns in America.


New member
Every freedom-loving person should understand economics:

Human Action by Ludwig Von Mises

The Road to Serfdom by F.A. Hayek

Capitalism and Freedom by Milton Friedman

I would also suggest any of Bastiat's essays. I read the three that were available free on

glock glockler

New member
"Healing our world" by Mary Ruwart is excellent, probably the best book to introduce someone to libertarianism. Not only does it explain why something is wrong, but it also shows how much better we'd be if we got rid of socialism, and shows free-market solutions to many things that we think we need govt. for.


New member
Fiction: The Illuminatus Trilogy by Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea.

Did you ever notice that there are 5 letters in fnord?


New member
Just incase you haven't found it on your own

Here is the link to the party site: http:\\
and a recent press release regarding Balistic Fingerprinting:

“Firearms experts point out that a ballistic fingerprint changes over time as more cartridges move through the barrel, and that the barrel can be altered intentionally,” he said. “In addition, barrels can be replaced, creating a completely new fingerprint that does not exist in any database.”

As Ken Watson, legislative director of the Law Enforcement Alliance of America, says: “Imagine a fingerprint database where people can switch their fingerprints, and fingerprints wear down over time,” and you have an idea of why such a system won’t work.



Moderator Emeritus
Lost Rights by James Bovard

Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

and (the fun part)

to get the proper mindset, as much P.J. O'Rourke as you can read, as often as you can read it.


New member
I totally have to back Tamara up on the PJ O'Rourke.
The guy is absolutely awesome.
A few titles-
'Parliament of Whores'
'The Republican Party Reptile'
'The Bachelor Home Companion'
'Eat the Rich, a Treatise on Economics' --> Actually makes econ funny.
'Modern Manners'
There are others, but I can't think of them off the top of my head.


New member
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, by Robert Anton Heinlein.

c'mon. Talking about L. Neil Smith without talking Heinlein is like talking about luke skywalker without mentioning Obi-Wan.


New member
Since I'm feeling peckish, I'll point out that Heinlein's middle name is Anson, and that Hitchens is an unreconstructed Leninist.

Ed Dixon

New member
I don't know how you surmised that of Hitchens, but anybody as smart as he is and can lambaste Kissinger, Mother Teresa, and the Clintons with equal vigor has my attention.