Liberal Paradise, Criminals are diverse and need to be free Guns are BAD.

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Master Blaster

New member
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - The scene repeats itself daily on city streets: a driver gets stuck bumper to bumper, blocking an intersection and preventing another car from turning left.

But authorities say that was enough to cause Edwin Ramos to unload an AK-47 assault weapon on a man and his two sons, killing them.

The deaths immediately drew public outrage, which intensified when authorities revealed that Ramos, 21, is an illegal immigrant who managed to avoid deportation despite previous brushes with the law.

The case has put San Francisco's liberal politics to the test, setting off a debate over its sanctuary law that shields undocumented immigrants from deportation.

On Wednesday, Ramos pleaded not guilty to three counts of murder in the deaths of Anthony Bologna, 49, and his sons, Michael, 20, and Matthew, 16. Bologna and his older son died in the intersection on June 22. His younger son succumbed to his injuries days later.

Shortly after that, police arrested Ramos, a native of El Salvador and reputed member of the Mara Salvatrucha gang, known as MS-13. Investigators believe he was the gunman, though two other men were seen in the car with him.

The heinousness of the deaths has put pressure on San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris to seek the death penalty against Ramos. Harris, who campaigned on an anti-death penalty platform and has never pursued capital punishment during her more than four years in office, has declined to say exactly how she intends to proceed.

"This case has been charged as a special circumstance case," making it eligible for the death penalty, spokeswoman Erica Derryck said. "No additional announcement has been made about this aspect of the charging."

Ramos' attorney, Robert Amparan, said his client was not the shooter. "They have the wrong person," he said.

Amparan declined to discuss details of the case, but he denied his client was involved in gang activity and said Ramos entered the country legally. Federal authorities contend Ramos is undocumented.

The victims' family learned that Ramos had been arrested at least three times before the shooting and evaded deportation, largely because of San Francisco's sanctuary status.

The policy, adopted in 1989 by the city's elected Board of Supervisors, bars local officials from cooperating with federal authorities in their efforts to deport illegal immigrants.

Officials in the juvenile offenders agency interpreted the law to also shield underage felons from deportation by refusing to report undocumented ones. Mayor Gavin Newsom said he rescinded the policy regarding juvenile offenders after learning about it in May.

The Bolognas' relatives say Ramos apparently benefited from the policy when he reportedly was convicted twice of felonies in 2003 and 2004 but never was turned over for deportation.

"All San Francisco's sanctuary ordinance has done is bring violence and death to this once-great city," said Frank Kennedy, who is married to Anthony Bologna's sister.

Kennedy called for an investigation of the sanctuary policy and demanded "prosecutions for violating the law."

Meanwhile, local and federal authorities are pointing fingers at each other over Ramos' most recent arrest before the shooting.

Ramos was arrested in late March with another man after police discovered a gun used in a double homicide in the car Ramos was driving.

The district attorney's office decided not to file charges against Ramos, and he was released April 2 even though he was in the process of being deported after his application for legal residence was denied, according to the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

San Francisco Sheriff's Department spokesman Eileen Hirst said jail officials faxed ICE on March 30 asking if Ramos should remain jailed. Ramos was freed after Hirst said immigration officials didn't respond.

ICE spokesman Timothy Counts said his agency did not receive word of Ramos' arrest in March. He said the only communication received about Ramos was an "electronic message" from the sheriff's department three hours after his release.

The case has garnered national attention, leading U.S. Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo., and an anti-immigration group called Californians for Population Stabilization to ask the U.S. Department of Justice to take over, alleging San Francisco authorities have mishandled it.

"Because San Francisco's political leaders have already demonstrated their willingness to act in flagrant violation of federal law, I do not believe that local judicial institutions can be trusted to fairly try the case or mete out an appropriate punishment," Tancredo said in a letter sent Tuesday to U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey.

Justice Department spokesman Charles Miller said he was unaware of the case and the congressman's request. Miller said the attorney general routinely responds privately to such requests.

Diana Hull, president of Californians for Population Stabilization, called on about a dozen cities nationwide with similar sanctuary policies to end those programs.

"We need to remember always that a death-dealing policy like 'sanctuary' hides behind the false mantle of compassion," Hull said.

Nathan Ballard, a spokesman for San Francisco's mayor, said city officials were wrong to shield undocumented, juvenile felons from federal immigration authorities.

"The sanctuary program was never intended to shield felons," Ballard said. "The policy was inappropriate."

However, Newsom "still supports the worthwhile aims of denying the federal government" assistance in deporting otherwise law-abiding undocumented residents, he said.


New member
Meanwhile these same politicians and law unenforcement work tirelessly to make sure that you and I can't defend ourselves against such monsters. The very day after this triple murder Kamala Harris was on talk radio staunchly supporting keeping the SF policies denying right to carry. If you previously felt that being anti 2A and/or anti CCW is forgivable, take a good long look at this example. It is clearly not that their views on safety differ, but that they honestly don't care about us and literally would rather see you die instead.

Master Blaster

New member
XRocket, what more could I add, it speaks for itself.

San Fran wants to ban posession of guns by law abiding citizens and when it has the opportunity to arrest a lawbreaker with an Illegal gun, who is in this country illegally it lets him go free. The result is three dead folks.

Dead for no reason, dead because elected officials are doing 100% the wrong thing.


New member
So San Fran establishes itself as a safe port for criminals, a modern day Tortuga, and is then surprised when one of those criminal commits a crime there.

As Forest Gump said "Stupid is as stupid does."


New member
What are the laws on possessing an assault weapon such as the AK-47 in California? I thought they were illegal. If that's the case, then that story is a bunch of BS. How's that, you ask? Well, if the AK-47 is illegal for citizens to possess, how'd this illegal citizen get an illegal one? That doesn't add up. Also, federal law and, I'm guessing, California law prevent previously convicted felons from owning any guns. So how could he get the gun? Don't we have instant background checks now? How'd he pass the check? Maybe he bought this gun from a private seller at a gun show. But if AK-47's are illegal in California, how could someone sell one at a gun show? Who could sell one at a gun show? He couldn't have bought the AK-47 out of state, because California has laws against bringing AK-47's into California, do they not? I'm not that familiar with California gun laws other than what I've heard on occassion. If someone who is more familiar would chime in, I'd welcome the input.

Now that I've got everyones' ears blowing steam, I'm being sarcastic here to illustrate a point. As someone mentioned above, our spineless leaders, in this case in San Francisco and in the State of California, are focused on the wrong issues. Instead of harrassing law abiding gun owners with more and more stupid, ineffective laws, they should be passing more and more laws to get the illegal immigrant criminals off of the streets. Their laws, obviously, are not keeping "illegal" guns off the streets.

What a circus that city has become. Step right up and see the big show!


New member
Their laws, obviously, are not keeping "illegal" guns off the streets.

They never do. Look at the cities with the most stringent gun laws and you'll see the most gun violence committed with illegal guns.

Hey, we're criminals we don't follow laws! :mad:


New member
Pilot winged this one out there (pun intended Sir):

They never do. Look at the cities with the most stringent gun laws and you'll see the most gun violence committed with illegal guns.

Hey, we're criminals we don't follow laws!

I totally agree. I have never seen a gun controller or a gun banner show us a gun control law or gun ban that when enacted, showed a direct, causal, and significant reduction in violent crime. As you imply, it usually goes in the other direction. Look at the UK and Australia for prime examples. Canada too. Look how much they've spent on gun registration in Canada. Now, the mayor of Toronto wants a nationwide ban on handguns because violent crime in Toronto is increasing at such an alarming rate.

They are either foolish, ignorant, or have an agenda. I'll leave the choice up to the readers. :cool:


New member
The liberal leaders of Kalifornia are more than willing to pour out the blood of the innocent, as long as it furthers the Politically Correct Agenda to which they cling so desperately.

According to the Politically Correct Agenda, non-Americans are of far greater value than Americans, and it is always justified to destroy the lives of Americans if it in any way benefits non-Americans (even if they are murderous illegal thug felons.)

People like Gavin Newsom, Diane Feinstein, and Willie Brown take perverse satisfaction in defecating on traditional Rockwellian American values. The people of San Francisco should have their sanity evaluated for electing such impressively wrongheaded leaders.


New member
-Being a 'Sanctuary City' is against Federal Law
-Harboring, aiding, and abetting illegal aliens is against Federal Law

Here is a commercial currently running in San Francisco.

They are not only breaking Federal Law, they are advertising it.
Kind of an 'in your face' move.

DC stands in contempt of the Supreme Court ruling in DC v. Heller and San Francisco stands BOLDLY in defiance of Federal law.



New member
Bruxley posted:
Being a 'Sanctuary City' is against Federal Law
-Harboring, aiding, and abetting illegal aliens is against Federal Law

Here is a commercial currently running in San Francisco.

They are not only breaking Federal Law, they are advertising it.
Kind of an 'in your face' move.

DC stands in contempt of the Supreme Court ruling in DC v. Heller and San Francisco stands BOLDLY in defiance of Federal law.


Isn't it ironic that it appears to be government, rather than the citizens, which seems to be heading towards a breakdown in abiding by the laws. As someone above mentioned, Washington, D.C. and San Francisco seem to be charting their own "illegal" courses in some areas.

Immigration is a federal issue, as the federal goverment must protect our borders. I'd like to see less power invested in the federal government, but not in the area of immigration and people illegally sneaking in. This is a fine example that the City of San Fran is setting. We are supposed to be a nation of laws, not of men (and women). They are ignoring the law. So how can they expect anyone to obey their laws? That's rather hypocritical, one would tend to think.

Master Blaster

New member
Xrocket and Playboy Pennguinn, will you be adding an opinion as well or just castigating me for not having one you deem sufficient to meet the rules?
You both sound like a couple of 6 year olds who want to take the ball and go home because the other team scored a run.

Are you the same person??:)

My opinion is that this story points out how vacuous, ineffective, and wrong headed liberal policies are in the most liberal city in America. It also points out that gun control is a failed policy, and that criminal control is ignored by those who push gun control to society's detrement.

I would love to hear your opinion(s) on the matter.


New member
No I think they are just giving you a heads up as the moderators have been known to lock postings of verbatim news stories with no context or commentary or the like. FYI.

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
Tom2 has nailed it.

MasterBlaster, I suggest you read the rules, specific to the L&P forum. They are here.

Thread is closed as the OP is a drive-by.
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