"Liberal" not the same as "Anti-gun"

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New member
With all the gun control nonsense being tossed around the halls of power I just thought I'd take a moment to remind everyone that being a "liberal" doesn't mean a person is anti-gun.
Granted most of the gun control crowd sits on the left side of the aisle, but there are lots of us people who agree with more liberal talking points than conservative, but still believe in the individual right to bear arms.
So, next time you get mad about some new ridiculous legislation, remember that there are lots of us "liberals" that are just as mad as you are. Painting us all with the same brush only serves to disenfranchise people who could otherwise be productive members of the gun owning community.


New member
That's all well and good...I'd just like to know how you justify voting for liberal politicians who are anti-gun ...assuming you do vote.

Dr Big Bird PhD

New member
While I entirely reject both the Democrat and Republican two party system (AKA "the false dichotomy"), the Democrat party did adopt stringent gun control as part of their 2013 party platform.


New member
I vote (registered green party member). My choice usually comes down to looking at the available options, finding out where they stand on the issues that are important to me, deciding who's views line up closer to mine, and hoping for the best.
Not trying to start a political debate.
WELL PUT, dayman. There are some people in this world that think liberal equals anti-gun no matter what. Even though the majority of the time it is the case, stereotyping of this nature shuts out those that are pro-gun.

It serves no good for the gun community to paint that broad brush and it certainly doesn't further our cause here.

Everyone be forewarned if we see anyone doing this outright, consider your posted edited/deleted and further action will follow. We've been doing this already, and we're not going to let up now or in the future...

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