Liberal Brother Converted with gusto


New member
(Below is a letter my once liberal brother wrote me. And he is a soon to be gun owner):

Last night, in his State of the Union address:

1. President Bush ordered Attorney General Ashcroft to put an end to all racial profiling in the United States.

Immediately, Ashcroft and the assembly stood up and applauded.

Remember, this is the same John Ashcroft and George Bush that Democrat leaders and the liberal slander machine insisted were racist and threats to civil rights in America. Only one month ago, dozens left-wing groups launched an organized national campaign to raise questions and make allegations about Ashcroft’s stance on civil rights. Never did they mention that he was the first state official in the history of Missouri to enact Hate Crimes Legislation. Now, he will be the first Attorney General to bring an end to racial profiling on a national scale. As always, the truth eventually shines bright.

But will the liberal slander machine apologize for falsely accusing the man who in fact is about to take a giant step forward on behalf of civil rights? Probably not. Will Democratic voters who were tricked by liberal demagogues demand accountability from those who misled them? Let’s hope so. It’s time for the Democratic Party to be taken back by people of principle.

2. President Bush gave a detailed outline of his tax plan, which
gives the biggest tax break to the poorest Americans. At one end, the plan reduces the tax of the poorest tax-paying Americans from 15% to 10% (a 33% reduction!) and on the other end, reduces the tax of the wealthiest tax-paying Americans from 38% to 33% (a 13% reduction). Also, many low-income families will be completely taken off the tax-roll (and pay no taxes); the marriage penalty tax will be lowered, and the child tax credit will be doubled!

Remember, this is the same tax plan that the Democratic leaders and liberal slander machine said would only benefit the rich. The numbers are there for you to read in newspapers and internet sites around the country, all of which prove that the left-wing leadership again misled their constituents with false information intended to frighten. Will the Democratic voters start demanding explanations from their leaders? Let’s hope so.

3. President Bush announced plans that will immediately
benefit our schools. Included in his budget is a 300% (yes triple!) increase in funds to help children read; national standards for children in grades 3 through 8; a nationwide teacher recruitment campaign (led by his wife and former teacher Laura Bush); more control shifted to local districts; and increased assistance and accountability for schools that fail to show improvement.

4. President Bush announced plans that will greatly help our seniors.
Included in his budget is a new and very needed prescription drug benefit for seniors, and refundable tax credit for elderly Americans who cannot afford health insurance on their own. Also he announced that his budget will double (yes, double) the Medicare budget.

5. President Bush announced a wide range of new social programs
designed to help the needy and less fortunate. Included in his budget is a plan to double (200%) the number of people served by community health care centers, a patients bill of rights, a new charity tax deduction for non-itemized returns.

6. President Bush announced that his budget includes the fastest pay
down of the national debt in history, a 50% reduction in the annual raise in budget growth (from 8% to 4%), without taking one dime out of Social Security.

You may remember that Al Gore alleged in the debates that Bush would raid Social Security, and that Al Gore said only he would keep it in a "lockbox". Yet another false accusation designed to frighten the American voters.

Final Note: Since I am a former Berkeley liberal, you might find it bizarre that I changed parties. But the reality is, I have not changed. The Democratic Party changed. It left me. It is no longer the party of Truman or Kennedy. It is no longer a party of principle, governed by allegiance to truth, justice, or the betterment of America. Instead, it has become a party devoid of principle, governed by demagogues who boldly lie, distort, and attack to manipulate the American voter and maintain control of their money and power. Clinton is the ultimate example. The false attacks and allegations of the liberal slander machine against Republican candidates and appointees is a further example. President Truman left the White House with a suitcase under his arm and a train ticket he paid for himself. The Clintonians vandalized the White House, took whatever they could, and pardons felons for money. President Kennedy took the ultimate stand to keep missiles out of Communist Cuba. President Clinton arranged a backdoor deal to sneak intercontinental ballistic missile parts and technology to the Communist Chinese and as a payback for contributions from the CEO of Loral, Inc. and Chinese nationals.

I am glad that George W. Bush, a man I used to despise in my liberal days, made the seven items above part of his budget. If you go back and read over the bold sections, you would swear that it sounds like the ol’ Democratic Party (pre-Clinton): helping the common man, helping the elderly, helping education, etc. It took me years to realize that it’s policy and integrity that makes a difference in politics. So while the Democrats try to focus on personality, turning their opponents into evil villains, hopefully more Americans, like me, will start to focus on policy, turning their country into something better with real plans not rhetoric.



New member
President Bush gave a detailed outline of his tax plan, which gives the biggest tax break to the poorest Americans. At one end, the plan reduces the tax of the poorest tax-paying Americans from 15% to 10% (a 33% reduction!)
Poor americans don't pay any income tax and often get a refund on payroll taxes. I couldn't find a thing in bush's plan to support, since it's an increase in the power and scope of the feds over everything. The last thing we need is the fed gov't with its nose in education and charities. I don't see how democrats can complain about any of it, since they got everything they have wanted.

Republican party is now the Democratic party, and the Democratic party is the party of Lenin.
Labels are misleading, and lest we forget, judge by one's deeds and not their words.

Good work on converting your brother.