Libby: Dubya told me to leak


New member
You know what's funny to me? I have read this and similar headlines and the first thing that comes to mind is the Valerie Plame thing. This is not the same incident or even related, but I wonder if my thinking that is just coincidence.


New member
There has been propaganda "leaked" to the newspapers for political purposes since the original GW (George Washington) it's nothing new and it's nothing that hasn't been done by every president who has held the office. Every politition does it to some degree. Like when a politition wants to get tough on child labor all of the sudden the news is filled with the attrosities of underage workers once he's decided he needs to move on to border control the news is filled with the hords crossing the line. It's a game they play and we as a people get sucked into taking a side and arguing their point for them. The gun control folks do the same thing. They want to make a push for more control and the news gets filled with every nut who decides to shoot someone. The teams are chosen and we do battle.


New member
jcoi, How is this not the same as the valerie plame affair? If anyone besides bush had leaked it, it would be a federal crime, that the president does (did) it, it will only be a weeks worth of news. Maybe. This whole thing stinks. I betcha either Cheney or Rove did it but by fingering Bush, everyone's safe (But I bet Rove thought of it! It's almost evil enought to work).


New member
Much ado about nothing. The infohas been out there for months. Declassified is just that, declassified. No leaking declasssified info that is made public.

Big yawn except for the left which will try to make hay!

Big Ruger

New member
jcoi is absolutely correct, this has nothing to do with Plame or clown wilson, although we are being led to believe it does. I heard this reported on the radio when the news broke and they said it isnt the same. Then in the next mornings headlines, surprise the media runs it in such a way as to make it look like it is. This will just add to the liberals running around pretending they were right all along. Its a joke at best. E

Fal 4 Me

New member
Question, if this really is no big deal, why didn't the president come out years ago and say, "I declassified the information, I have the authority to do this and no crime has been commited." Couldn't we have saved millions of taxpayer dollars if the president would have just come out and said this? The media could've focused on more important stories if the president would've done this? Instead the president said that no one in the White House leaked classified information. If the president authorized the leak/release this would technically be correct, yet what he said in public appears to be deliberately misleading. Something about this just doesn't sit right with me. Yes the Dems will try to make it a bigger deal than it is, but the Reps will try to downplay any less than honest/misleading comments from the White House.

Big Ruger

New member
I dont understand how he could have been clearer. He said noone in the whitehouse leaked classified material. This is a clear and true statement. What else could he say? "no really, i swear to God" I fail to see how he misled anyone with this statement. Some people just desperately want to be angry at Bush that when he says good morning they say " whats that supposed to mean?" E

Fal 4 Me

New member
The president's comments made it appear that he had no idea where the information came from and the white house had nothing to do with it. At the time he made his comments no one besides those in the administration knew the information had been declassifed. He could have been clearer by saying something similar to my first post. I'll repeat it again. "I declassified the information, I have the authority to do this and no crime has been commited." His comments gave the impression that the white house had nothing to do with it, so his comments were misleading.


New member
His comments gave the impression that the white house had nothing to do with it, so his comments were misleading.
Please provide a link to a reputable news source that quotes the President on this topic so that I can read the statement myself to understand any nuances.


New member;_ylu=X3oDMTA5aHJvMDdwBHNlYwN5bmNhdA--

This is not all of his comments regarding the subjects of leaking and credibility.
Also, the testimony given by Libby doesn't actually directly implicate Bush since he never directly got authorization from him but rather Cheney. This raises other legal and ethical questions but makes alot more sense. Most likely Dubya (once again) didn't know what was going on and Cheney was calling the shots.