Lever action biathalon rifle?


Staff Alumnus
Dad has been glued to the TV watching the olympics and mentioned the german team was using a 'lever action" anschutz rifle. Anyone have a link?

I almost bought a biathalon rifle for grins once, just wondering if anyone else has one or shot one.


New member
I saw that, it was very cool. It was not a lever action like an old Winchester, though. It operated by pressing a lever forward with the thumb of the shooting hand, and the shooter's finger never left the trigger.

The gun had that expensive "space gun" look about it. I wonder what it cost.


New member
I saw it too...

it loked like there was a pistol grip which was flicked forward, acting as a lever. Very slick.


New member
Does anyone have a picture of that 'lever' gun?

AFAIK, almost all were using straight pull bolt actions like the Anschütz-Fortners. If it was the Fortners, the trigger finger did leave the trigger as it would have been needed to pull the bolt handle back. The thumb was used to push the bolt back into battery.


New member
Must not have been Anschütz...

The rifle I saw didn't look anything like that. I agree w/ Khornet - it looked like they were working a pistol grip forward to eject/reload.

I also thought it was interesting that they only get 5 rounds in the tube. If they miss, they have to reload single rounds to clear the missed targets!

Anyone know the diameter of the targets and the range?


New member
No, I saw them too and they were not the Anschutz with a sraight pull bolt. The rifles may have been a Walther??



New member

There is no reloading... you only get the 5 shots per station. Everyone missed = 1 minute added to the time.


Staff Alumnus
This is the rifle in question: what is it?

The pistol grip swings upward to cock it.


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New member
NYRSCCA beat me to it. As far as I know, those rifles were made in the old DDR (East Germany) by Krico. I remember seeing them used by East German biathletes in the 80s.

And a clearification: In the 20k event they get a one minute penalty for each miss (no reloading, no spray and pray). In the sprint they have to do a "penalty loop of 150 meters for each miss. In the relay they get to reload with single rounds, maximum three, after the first five shots. If any targets are still up after eight rounds, they have to do the penalty loop, once for each miss, before they can continue.

Target size is 45mm for prone and 115mm for standing.
With a heart rate of 180, give or take a few beats.

That is 10 Norwegian golds so far, one for every 400,000 of us. If you guys are going to beat that, you need some 650 or so... :D

another okie

New member
The biathlon is a totally cool event, and that German team is nice to look at, too!

I don't think the lever action was an Anschutz. I think on the earlier event they said more about it and it was some other brand.


Staff Alumnus
Here is a better pic. Still have no idea what it is.


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New member

German biathlete Andrea Henkel shoots during the women's 4x7.5 km biathlon relay at Soldier Hollow during the Salt Lake 2002 Olympic Winter Games, February 18, 2002. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque


Andrea Henkel
Brand of rifle SUHLER


New member
Another rifle that biathletes are using in international competition is made by Krico. There are two models, one with a toggle action like the Fortner and one with a pistol grip cocking mechanism. The only folks with Kricos are Mandells in Phoenix AZ. For the money, they might be a real deal. The $1600 model is the pistol grip actuated one (360 S2), and the $1700 one is the Fortner action one (360 S). Here is their number: (602)945-2553.
