Letterman-Hillary Tonite Be there!


Moderator Emeritus
Subject sez it all
Tonight...your local CBS station..."Late Night with David Letterman"

Dave will get some digs in

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!


New member
betcha he is a big *****cat. This is all a pre-organized political scam. That bitch will try and say that she is not afraid to face the talk shows after tonight. I hope an overhead camera drops on her head.--Hate to waste the camera!!!!!

From my cold dead hands.

Mal H

I really can't stand that idiot ... but as for Hillary, I'm afraid she made a few points with the New Yorkers tonight.

Join NRA... We don't appreciate pornography around here - you should have left the original head on the girls body! ;)

Jeff Thomas

New member
How disgusting. And,for that matter, how tough is it for a socialist to score points with liberal New Yorkers? I loved it when she said she had planned to move to New York after she left the White House, whether or not she ran for office. Right. Had nothing to do with their likewise liberal residency requirement for the Senate race ...

How can anyone still believe anything this woman or her husband say? It astounds me.


New member
She is definitely satan's concubine.

Sad thing is, she will get elected. There is no doubt in my mind.


GOA, TSRA, LEAA, NRA, SAF and I vote!

Futo Inu

New member
He went REALLY easy on her. Looked like free good press for Hillary to me. The pop quiz was a joke compared to what the media sprang on George W.


New member
As a resident of 'upstate' NY I can tell you Her Majesty is not nearly as well liked as she is in the liberal areas of NYC, Buffalo, etc... Having said that, one should note that Rudy G. is equally anti-gun and equal to or more liberal than she in some 'social' areas--although that is hard to imagine.

There really is not much of a choice between the two, other than voting for RG in order to repudiate the previous 7.5 years of the Clinton Junta and the help stem the tide of hell it would be to have her and her entourage cavorting around the state for the next few years. Truly, we're between a rock and a hard place.

I'm not a wrestling fan, but it will be a best of three cage match type of race with these two.



New member
Letterman's pop quiz was not to be taken seriously. The show did its job, it humored us. It is the nature of the show to act as good press for people, whether it be to promote a movie, or a campaign of some sort, a TV show, a book, a Cd whatever. Letterman Leno, Conan, Craig Killborn (my personal favorite) don't ask the hard questions (except for Craig's 5 questions.)

I'm glad she was able to joke about stuff with letterman. He obivously isn't gonna be too serious, cuz 1) he doesn't live in NY and 2) he is a fellow democrat (if not a democrat, he is anti-republican)

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?


New member
You've got to love New Yorkers!
A Kentucky Fried Chicken location in New York had a special on what they
were calling the "bucket of Hillary" - two small breasts, two large thighs
and a bunch of left wings.

It's a shame that the leaders of the party have become Extreme Leftwing Liberal Socialist and the Yellow Dog Democrats can't even see what they are really following.

I wonder if Letterman will run his mouth tonight about Hillary. He was awfully quite last night.

Futo Inu

New member
Now it seems the pop quiz wasn't so pop after all. They didn't give her the answers, but if you read between the lines, the show gave her the questions.

I also noticed how she praised Chuckie Schitmer as an excellent senator.


Staff Emeritus
It pains me to say this (groan), but Hillary never looked or sounded better than she did on Letterman's show. (I think I hurt myself saying that!) Maybe it was because she was wearing pants, eh Coinneach?

In any case, the reason I mention this is to point out she appeared reasonable, even (shudder) likeable to those who don't follow politics. Therefore, she is all the more dangerous to our American way of life.

Just as murderers frequently seem like "nice guys", we must educate people to recognize threats to our Rights and freedoms. I fear we have a long, tough row to hoe.....

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!