Letter to the Editor if Rolling Stone


New member
I just got the new issue of Rolling Stone magazine today, and I read this in the Letters to the Editor section.
"I don'd understand how 'Rolling Stone' can print 'Bush and Guns' [RS 844/845] with three full pages of text and color pictures meant to show the Texas governor and his father in compromising, and then eight pages later promote the disturbing band Slipknot, whose member Number 5 says, 'Life sucks. If I wasn't doing this, I'd probably be out killing people.' It is this type of character for which I reserve a 138-grain, Hydra-Shock hollow-point bullet in my Smith & Wesson 9mm."-Matt Warhola Tampa, FL
I think this man may have a point...

[This message has been edited by MrBlonde (edited August 05, 2000).]