Letter to my Congressman


New member
The Honorable Congressman Dick Armey
301 Cannon House Office Bldg.
Washington, DC 20515-4326

RE: Henry Hyde's Letter to President Clinton:

Dear Congressman Armey:

Henry Hyde's letter to President Clinton, dated April 12, was posted on the Internet yesterday. This letter indicated that House Republicans support new gun control laws, and suggested a strategy for achieving these goals. I am including a portion of his letter below:

I am pleased to report that a majority of House Republican conferees on gun-related provisions have signed a conference report to support a package that includes:
<LI>Child safety locks
<LI>Ban on high capacity ammunition clips
<LI>Preventing juvenile possession of assault weapons
<LI>Preventing juveniles who commit serious crimes from owning guns
<LI>Gun show background check system without loopholes

I have highlighted the provisions that concern me. Apparently, some Republicans believe that citizens should not have the right to shoot more than 10 bullets from a gun. Applying similar logic to different situations, a person could come up with the following scenarios:

"Ford Pinto gas tanks have been known to explode following a collision, therefore... no car should be allowed to hold more than 10 gallons of gas."


"Congressman have been known to make overdrafts from the house bank, without paying back these 'loans', therefore... no congressman should be allowed to write more than 10 checks."


"There is a congressman from Illinois that tries to pass stupid laws, therefore... no congressman should be allowed to serve more than 10 years in congress."

Although the solutions to these problems may seem ludicrous, and infringe on people's rights, the proposed ban on full capacity magazines is also ludicrous. Henry Hyde also wants to close the so called "gun show loopholes". What he really wants to do is regulate the transfer of firearms between private citizens. If Mr. Hyde wants to do this at gunshows, what will prevent him from doing this everywhere? These incremental attempts at increasing "gun control" are unacceptable, and I urge you to oppose Henry Hyde's efforts to violate the Bill Of Rights.


Brent hanson

cc: The Honorable Congressman Henry Hyde


New member
Another 'Well Done'.

You just might get a non-form letter back from Armey.

When I worked in Texas I wrote him, Gramm, and Hutchison about not granting Most Favored Nation to China since we would be at war with them in 10 years (7 to go :( ).

Gramm patted me on the head with a form letter, Hutchison never answered, but Armey sent me a two-pager explaining why it was a good idea. I still disagreed, but it looked like the guy actually took time to answer as he hit all my questions. More likely, it was one of his staff, but it still impressed me.

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.