Letter from (and back to) Sen. Lugar

simonov jr

New member
Think I was too easy on him?

In response to my recent email, Sen. Luger sent a letter which assured me that he is only interested in instant checks and that he feels that "enforcement is the key". Do I have to remind the Senator of his own voting record? He voted to praise the Million Mom March, who's central goal is the registration of all handguns. How does this gel with his letter, which "reassures" me that "I oppose maintaining permanent records created by the checks". The Senator voted to pass the gun control laden "Juvenile Justice Bill", which among other things would require me to keep a trigger lock on my gun, ban higher capacity magazines like police seem to "need", and prevent me from selling a privately owned firearm without government intrusion. Then he voted for the bill banning private sales entirely at gun shows (Lautenburg Amendment, from that "other" friend of the 2nd Amendment we have in the Senate). In May he voted to support Chuck Schumer in banning legal sales of firearms over the internet. Is Schumer his role model for "crime control" over gun control, as he cynically states in his letter? He voted to gut the Smith Amendment, which called for the immediate destruction of background check info. Finally he crossed party lines AGAIN to support an expanded Feinstein amendment, which would ban more than 10-round magazines despite the many hoosiers who use them legally and recreationally. In short, Senator Luger is the worst kind of liar and hypocrite. He talks "crime control over gun control" out of one side of his mouth, while voting for every piece of extremist gun control that comes along. Please tell Senator Luger that he is demonstrably a liar, and that I would sooner vote for a Democrat who at least is honest about his contempt for my rights. His letters are worthless and gutlessly self-servign PR , and I will forward them to as many Hoosier registered voters as the internet will let me. 1 in 12 hoosiers has a concealed carry permit, one of the hightest ratios in the world. Funny the Senator is so knee jerk in his opposition to something so many hoosiers make part of their daily lives. Please tell him he is a disgrace to his oath of office, and NO FRIEND of the millions of lawful pro-gun hoosiers in "his" state. I will redouble my efforts to oppose him in every race he is in, until his record starts to match his phony rhetoric, or preferably his place is taken by an honorable man. By the way, here is the thread for his voting record.

If there is any reservation in your mind that he is a liar, please refer to it. In the future, you should get one story and stick to it, and try to make sure that the proof that he is lying isn't right on the internet for anyone to see. Regretfully, (sim jr)


New member
As I recall, Lugar never saw a piece of legislation named "gun control" that he didn't fall instantly in love with. Re his letter, I wonder if he is running for reelection this year.

[This message has been edited by alan (edited May 31, 2000).]


New member
Sounds like you got the same letter I did. In fact, I wrote 2 letters, one from me and one from the husband, after Lugar once again voted with the Democrats (1 out of 6 Republicans to do so) to get gun control legislation moving. We got 3 identical form letters back. One addressed to me, one to my husband, and one to Mr & Mrs. In other words, "Kiss off you crack-pots!"

Lugar has been in office too long. He thinks no one can replace him. He's become a latent Democrat and has voted with the anti-freedom bunch numerous times. I have written to him repeatedly, and told him each time that I cannot support him and will actively campaign against him. There is always dead silence to these letters.

Alan, no, Lugar is not up for reelection. Even if he were, there's not a Republican that would go up against him. I was hoping McIntosh would try for his seat in 2002 (I think), but instead he is trying for the governor's office this year.

Refuse to be a "helpless" victim.
Knowing Your Rights WAGC in Indiana
Come have some fun at theTFL End of Summer Meet, August 12th & 13th, 2000


New member
Bayh is a Democrat - nuff said. However, he has voted against the rest of the pack a few times. For instance, he voted "no" to requiring Internet site administrators have an FFL if they sell firearms from their Web sites. But with most votes on gun issues, he usually is right in there with the anti-gun crowd. In all his letters he CLAIMS to support the 2nd Amendment and the rights of individual gun owners, but I have seen little evidence of his so-called convictions.

Refuse to be a "helpless" victim.
Knowing Your Rights WAGC in Indiana
Come have some fun at theTFL End of Summer Meet, August 12th & 13th, 2000


New member
I just got a reply back from Sen. Bayh on my anti Gun control letter to him. (Remember the NRA asked us to vote for this guy) I quote his reply in part, "In general, laws relating to firearms should place the highest priority on putting criminals who use guns in jail (no problem here, no more laws to add, I believe this is already illegal, duh) and second ON ENSURING THAT LAW ABIDING-CITIZENS USE THEIR GUNS RESPONSIBLY." I have a little trouble with this part. If I am a law-abiding citizen, then leave me the hell alone! What is it with these guys that they think they need to dictate everything in my life? Let's hope a Bush appointed Supreme Court will start limiting federal involvement in our lives.

"Every normal man must be tempted, at times to spit on his hands,hoist the black flag and begin slitting throats." H.L. Mencken


New member
I write to both my senators and my gutless representative tim roemer about once a week. I never get a reply back from my sentors, but roemer writes me back. Roemer is up for reelection, but i dont think lugar is. I say we nuke D.C. and just start from scratch. Anyone else with me?

"We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force."

--Ayn Rand, in "The Nature of Government"

Futo Inu

New member
What about that F-stain Orrin Hatch, who the NRA labels a friend, but now has been pushing hard for the secret search provisions according to GOA?

An simonov, I wished you'd quit beating around the bush. ;)


New member
And then there is: Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX), the chief proponent of the national ID card system (to go into effect October 2000) - Too many Republican crossovers. I just don't understand what these people are thinking when they push to destroy freedom -theirs goes down the tubes too.


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Blueyedog:
Oooops ... yup, Lugar was on the primary ballot. It's Bayh that's 2002. Brain slip! :eek:

I just hit your site, milled around some (great pics) the went to the Gun Don't Kill page and, curious, clicked "here" (just for drill - okay, it's a pun). That is a great page - a real Gerber's Applesauce for the 3M-ers. Thanks for the giggles. (I'd never of gotten there without your link.)
BTW: In http://gunsdontkill.virtualave.net/html/mmm2.html that sign in graybeards hand - can't quite make it out - does it read "Reasonable ..." or "Treasonable ..."??? :)

Be careful out there.


2nd AMENdment - "So Be It."

[This message has been edited by andyb (edited June 03, 2000).]


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Blueyedog:
That word is "Reasonable" ... but I think "Treasonable" would also work. ;)

Roger that!