lets send a HCI figurehead to the moon.


New member
National Inquirers daytime TV show is running a poll about which actor/actress the public would most like shot to the moon, never to return.....

They even mentioned, on the air, that they thought Rosie O would draw a lot of fire on this one...and would report results later.

However, at time of posting she was barely even noteworthy secondary to landslide launch dates for Christiana Agualra and Brittney Spears.

As National Inquirer expects we will make our statement Id hate to let them down. Vote as often as you like. At posting she was 0.846% of the vote.

http://www.uncoveredtv.com (bottom of the page)

Thanks, SDnR :)


New member
Please help me. I wanted to vote for Rosie, but I think I may have voted for Pat Buchanan instead. It was all so confusing....


Moderator Emeritus

...I mean, I used to like Rosie before she flipped and launched off on her anti-gun tangent. She's actually fairly bright, she may be salvageable, even.

With juicy targets of opportunity on the list like sanctimonious talk-radio shrew Schlesinger and vapid sweat-shop tycoon Kathy Lee, my mouse pointer may have missed Rosie O' once or twice...

...despite the size of the target. :D