Let's see your targets!


New member
What kind of handgun marksmen do we have here? I'm a n00b, with less than half a year and 4k or so rds of experience, but I was fairly proud of this one out of my 4" 686+ the other day. It was 29 rounds (4 cylinders + the last one in the box) slow fire, 15yds, 158gr .357 jhp:


this was to my shame just 3 months ago (same gun, .38spl):



New member
From a Bullseye match in Dallas. 25 yard timed fire (10 shots, two 5 shot strings, 20 seconds per string).


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Zombie Steve

New member
Nice shootin.
I went to the dark side and bought a Glock about 6 months back... here's the first 5 shots. I was pleasantly surprised by this sub-compact .45...

Josh Smith


My Taurus PT92 AF, pre-decock, after my accurizing and combat jobs. Shot at 25yds unrested, Weaver stance, about one round per second. Ammo was 115gr WWB. Sub-2", five shot group. I managed a three shot, sub-1" group last time I shot it, but that seems to be the exception. I'd like to try it from a machine rest, though.


Seven paces, rested, 124gr +P EFMJ. Not the most accurate stuff I've shot.


Embarrassing. Two, five shot seven yard groups from my Rossi after I had first gotten it. I found I couldn't control it with its stock grips and I therefore changed them out. Now, if I do my part, I can bounce golf balls at 25yds with 158gr LRN.


Rapid fire at five yards from my Carpati M95, an interesting Romanian clone of the Walther PPK. Caliber is .380acp and the loads were 88gr CCI Blazer hollowpoint, similar to Gold Dots.

Josh <><


New member
Daaaaaaaaaaammmnnn STS3!

You've been practicing! I have a 686+ and my 29 shot groups don't look like that. Nice work!

That target is due to the guidance I received from a feller named Lurper. Before I read his threads and practiced the techniques my times were slower and my groups considerably more spread out when doing doubles and Mozambiques.

His style is not for everyone, but if you have a good grasp of the fundamentals (and it looks like you do), it's good stuff. Check it out:



New member
oldbillthundercheif, looks like you picked an excellent mentor. Did you get your USPSA membership yet? Looks like you're ready to have some fun with IPSC/USPSA. josh


New member
Thanks RP! I feel I have a long way to go, but it feels good to enjoy some progress.

Great info OldBill, I think I will try Lurper's techniques as well. I have to go to a different range to do it though. The indoor range where I normally shoot won't allow any rapid fire without a class 3 license. It looked like you took to it real fast, since you posted that very nice target 2 days after Lurper posted his video!


New member
I purchased a used S&W Model 39-2 and this was the first outing at the range. Slow fire at 7 yards to see if it would group very well. Ammo used was WWB 115gr FMJ which the S&W's seem to like.


As it was nearly freezing cold in the range, I didn't photo the other target but it looked pretty moth-eaten in the middle. :D


New member
This made me laugh!

Hubby and I were trying to make a map of Australia with this target! Shot with .40 and 9mm!
I think we were pretty close LOL!!!!

The only targets I ever really keep are...

...the first targets I ever shoot with a new gun.

I never get to take out the whole center of a target since I seldom shoot a single target more than 10-15 rounds. The targets are only 25 cents a piece so I like clean sheets after ever couple mags. :)

Here are a few samples of different targets from the first rounds fired through various new guns.



