Let's hear some real HG stopping power sucesses and failures!


New member
Other than all of this ragazine hoopla, who's got some legitimate information to share?


Look at some of my other posts.
I have a friend that is now a retired LEO...he was assigned in the past with his partner to try to stop a serial robber of mom and pop stores. The BG would simply enter the store and shoot someone, then go over to the cash register to get the money. He knew that he wouldn't get too much resistance.
He and is partner decided that they would hide in a local 7-11 type store. They would wait with shotguns behind the dairy freezer. Three days after they started the stakeout, the BG showed up. He stepped in and lifted his pistol...because of the proximity of one of the clerks, the LEO's drew their duty .45's (S & W 45's), announced themselves .. then both center punched the BG before he had a chance to fire his weapon.
He went down, but brought himself to a sitting position and lifted his weapon again. They reacted to this threat by firing and hitting him over the heart. Two rounds in the space of a half a dollar coin.
BG survived...there was a paramedic a block of so away. He responded and saved the BG's life...The paramedic was a 'Nam vet. The BG is due to get out soon.


New member
I sucessfully stopped a charging phonebook in my friends room the other night with his suppresed M-11. It was a nasty, vicious beast, and I quickly put two holes in it with 158 grain subsonic 9mm ammo. It stayed put after that.