Let's have a fake attack on Iron Man 3


New member
I would like to know if the theater was a gun-free zone. If so, the possibility of catastrophe was less than if it was not, but nonetheless, it is still a bad idea. Two thumbs down to Mr. Bob Wilkins for creating a scenario that could have gone real bad real quick. All this risk to 'entertain' a group of people who already paid for their entertainment.


New member
Doesn't it sound like this idjit theater manager, who thought this up, is due for a repeat performance, in the wee hours, at his house?

Evan Thomas

New member
Words fail me. (Well, no, obviously they don't, but I love saying that.)

Quite apart from the possibility of a response from armed theater patrons, to pull a stunt like that in the wake of Aurora and Boston is just... insane. ONE person has a heart attack, and the result could have been tragic without a single shot being fired.

According to this article in the Hollywood Reporter, police did respond, thinking it was an active shooter situation. If fake 911 calls are illegal, something like this ought to be, as well.

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New member
From the picture I noticed that they had the readily identifiable red tips. This doesn't excuse the case fully from my viewpoint however.

There was very little thought given to the recent events at the movie theater in Colorado as well as others when they decided to do this.

Even less thought to the fact that there is an anti-gun person in every crowd and they would have a field day with it.

Not smart, but I see less harm than some Anti-gun people do. I also believe that this case is not strong enough to allow me to be concerned about how they will use it to any effect.

It will pass in a day or so, and for me I am glad of it.

This really brings up an opinion I have that irritates me.

First of all I hate the idea of new gun laws. They usually are trouble and unwarranted.

With that being said, why do we allow toys or even BB guns that don't have the orange tips, or some other form of immediately identifiable characteristic to be produced or sold to begin with.

I just can't imagine if they would have been going for the realistic effect and used one of them instead!

Not to mention, little kids have been shot with toy guns and god knows we never forget those stories.

To me it is so irresponsible for anything but a real gun to be identifiable as anything but what it is.:mad:

Sorry for the off topic rant :eek:


New member
From the picture I noticed that they had the readily identifiable red tips.

How much would you like to bet that under these conditions,dark movie theater, showing an opening night superhero movie, not one person noticed those red tips.

All they saw was people with guns, and possibly their lives flashing before their eyes.


New member
From the picture I noticed that they had the readily identifiable red tips.
How much would you like to bet that under these conditions,dark movie theater, showing an opening night superhero movie, not one person noticed those red tips.

All they saw was people with guns, and possibly their lives flashing before their eyes.
I was only referring to the fact that even if it was cautionary in their forethought at avoiding confusion, that it didn't fully excuse them for not realizing the lighting conditions made them less visible.
This doesn't excuse the case fully from my viewpoint however.
It's astonishing that there wasn't at least one person in the audience who was armed, and who opened fire. It's a blessing it didn't happen, though, because the person who most deserved to be shot over this idiotic stunt is the theater manager. Yes, if I pay money to buy a ticket to see a film, I am there to be entertained. The entertainment is on the screen, Mate. Being subjected to a faux armed assault is not my idea of being "entertained."

Evan Thomas

New member
Entertainment... not.

The entertainment is on the screen, Mate. Being subjected to a faux armed assault is not my idea of being "entertained."

Another consequence of this could be that for some people who were in the theater, it's now even less likely that they'll react quickly with any sort of self-protective response if they're ever confronted with a real active shooter scenario, especially in a public place like a shopping mall. "Oh, they must be actors... what fun!"


New member
Very lucky someone didn't get wounded or killed. Had I been there, my gun would have been drawn. Fired, I can't say, but certainly drawn.


Wow, that's an impressively poor plan. Just got back from watching Ironman 3 moments ago and I'm extremely happy to be able to say that nothing like that happened at the theater we chose to patronize...
All they saw was people with guns, and possibly their lives flashing before their eyes.
Something in my mind would have shouted Aurora, and I'd have gone to condition red. Even if I hadn't shot, I'd be very, very unhappy, and I've had taken steps to ensure that everyone involved lost their employment and were subject to some sort of charges.

So, is it true about the surprise ending, that Tony Stark is really the Red Skull's son?

Alabama Shooter

New member
So, is it true about the surprise ending, that Tony Stark is really the Red Skull's son?

Actually I think the plot revolves around dozens of Iron Men running around killing hundreds of mini-me's of Red Skull. At least as near as we could tell. I mean if you could call it a plot. Which you really couldn't. But the BS "surprise ending" is there.

Oh, and no shooters or people pretending to be whatever there. I saw the article before we went and guess it may have given me pause if I had seen someone running around in body armor and a long gun. Some pause.


New member
This is why my carry gun is bigger than an LCP. LCP is for short range, Glock's are for longer range and faster shooting. :-S pulls out 500 lumen flashlight and Glock -- freeze! I woulda sued them for scarying me. Definitely would see white spots.


New member
Somebody mentioned orange tips. I played airsoft when I was 14 and was very up on the laws. It's illegal to sell an airsoft gun or BB gun under a certain power without an orange tip. Anything above 600 FPS, I believe, is an airgun and treated differently. At least in Florida.

Am I the only one disappointed that after Aurora, there was not a single armed citizen in what was a presumably packed opening night?


New member
For all we know, there were armed people there, who were able to determine there was no actual threat.

Lack of shots fired does not necessarily equal lack of armed citizens.