Let's cut the repetition

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New member
We're continually stirring up the same differences of opinion over the same subjects. This is because the newbies don't search the archives, and the same questions keep being posted.

We have two stickies in this forum the Monthly Photo Contest that's closed, and Baseline data.... that hasn't had a new posting for more than a year.
Perhaps we need two new stickies:
New shooter's guide to Home Defense Shotgun selection and
New shooter's guide to Pistol Grip Only stocks

If these are successful, then a third sticky,
New shooter's guide to Defensive ammo selection,
could be added.

What's your opinion?


New member
IMO, I really dont mind answering the same questions from time to time. With the exception of the famous, Ar vs. AK threads, those get old real fast.


New member
A sticky would be great. Even easier than searching the archives. You may have noticed that some of the sages, like Scattergun Bob, no longer bother to respond.
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Staff In Memoriam
Funny, I was thinkin' last night that a sticky for which gun for HD/SD as well as Ammo selection for defense came to mind I also felt a few of the regulars with experience/training in various stock.grip configurations could PM Dave McC a synopsis of that knowledge and let him make up a sticky with each of our thoughts on it and his personal knowledge to refute or rebut it. Then if it comes up we can point our collective /\ to the sticky.


This is a forum, not a reference manual.

Repetition will happen to a certain extent on forums. The last thing I'd like to see happen is to have topics banned and instead covered by mandatory reading.


Staff In Memoriam
Many sticky posts are open for comment...
But what gets to many of us by way of our patience is the same thread has been ongoing on either the front page of the section or at most, page 2...
The member posting should feel the need to try to see if the subject has a recent thread already ongoing, IMHO.


But what gets to many of us by way of our patience is the same thread has been ongoing on either the front page of the section or at most, page 2...

welcome to the wonderful world of forums

your gripe has been preceded by MILLIONS of other people on all sorts of forums from automotive to astronomical.

We can encourage searching, but to require it is to turn a forum into a reference guide.


New member
I posted something similar once and then somebody reminded me that if it weren't for repeat questions we'd have a pretty dead forum while we waited for phasers to hit the market. ;)


New member
I agree. There are a couple of topics that are past worn out that could be read up front and then if a question is still not clear start a new thread.


New member
Let's cut the repetition

Well this has been brought up many times also so in fact you are just repeating an age old complaint. Just ignore things that annoy you. But I just repeated what #8 said.
"Repetition will happen to a certain extent on forums. The last thing I'd like to see happen is to have topics banned and instead covered by mandatory reading."

And there you have it in a nutshell.

These are active forums, not static libraries.

Thanks for your thoughts, everyone. I'm going to close this now.
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