Let's Boycott Federal

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New member
I've always bought Federal HST 124 gr +p for my go-to 9mm loading. I've also purchased Federal 6.5x55SE and Federal bulk pack .22lr and Federal buckshot and hi-brass field loads.

With the HST loads and, more recently, the Federal Tactical 00 Buck with flightcontrol wad, I have heard that Federal enforces some STUPID policy where they refuse to sell to the civilian market despite it being perfectly legal to do so.

Why are we supporting these corporate fools who think unless you are a cop you don't deserve quality ammo?

Maybe I'm missing something here, so I bring it to the collective hive...Why shouldn't we launch an all-out boycott against all things Federal to show our displeasure at being cast aside as second-class citizens when it comes to the availability of high-quality ammo?

I think the NRA should attack this issue and demand answers from Federal. On second thought, screw answers....I don't want to hear their STUPID excuses. I want results. Make the good stuff available to all law-abiding citizens or to hell with Federal. I want results.

I hope I didn't miss a major thread about this or am somehow wrong in my disgust. That's why I wanted to try and discuss it here first.




New member
Strange as I have bought Federal LE 132 9 pellet 00 and 8 pellet Federal 133 both with flitecontrol. I also bought a case of Federal 132 15 pellet #1 buckshot with flitecontrol.

I see both SGammo.com and Ammunitiontogo.com is selling Federal LE13200. There are other online ammo sites showing up besides these two.


New member
+1. SGammo and Ammo To Go. Buy your fill of Speer and Federal LE loads.

It's not just Federal. A lot of manufacturers (as in pretty much all) sell a 20-pack to civvies for the same price as a 50-pack to LE. Next time you're at a big box sporting retailer note the 20-round boxes of Winchester PDX and Hornady Custom.

Honestly, I don't think there's any evil agenda behind it. The 20--round boxes make more money because most folks don't know better, and the LE "exclusive" branding makes them sell better to agencies.

Just shrug, shake your head at the Cabela's 20-round buyers, and cruise to SGAmmo or ATG. My Beretta and Ruger were loaded from 50-round "Duty Ammunition" boxes.


New member
I have heard that....

You're wanting everyone to boycott a member of the shooting industry at this point in history over something you've heard and haven't verified firsthand? No thanks.


New member
It's a free marketplace

Many times there's no difference in the loads only the packaging. If you don't like it you can buy something else. (Much like the Hornady z***** ammo, the performance is the same, it's just marketing hype.) There's other great nine ball buck loads out there, find one your gun likes.
With the HST loads and, more recently, the Federal Tactical 00 Buck with flightcontrol wad, I have heard that Federal enforces some STUPID policy where they refuse to sell to the civilian market despite it being perfectly legal to do so.

Well, we are not in a Marshall Law declared area or times. The police are civilians.

Why are we supporting these corporate fools who think unless you are a cop you don't deserve quality ammo?

Okay, so you are mad that you heard they won't sell you the ammo, but you haven't even tried to buy any, huh? Even so, why would Federal be obligated to sell anything to you? They do make other quality ammo, don't you know?

Maybe I'm missing something here, so I bring it to the collective hive...Why shouldn't we launch an all-out boycott against all things Federal to show our displeasure at being cast aside as second-class citizens when it comes to the availability of high-quality ammo?

First, boycotts are pretty darned stupid. How many times do you see boycotts form the gun community actually being effective against major firms? Second and once again, Federal does make other high quality ammo.

I think the NRA should attack this issue and demand answers from Federal. On second thought, screw answers....I don't want to hear their STUPID excuses. I want results. Make the good stuff available to all law-abiding citizens or to hell with Federal. I want results.

I hope I didn't miss a major thread about this or am somehow wrong in my disgust. That's why I wanted to try and discuss it here first.

No you don't. The lines quoted just above show that you are not willing to discuss anything. You have already decided that Federal can't make you happy unless to bend to you will. After all, you don't want stupid excuses and if they don't, you have expressed clear intent that you wish Federal harm by boycotting and for Federal to go to hell.

I do think I can see why Federal would not want to sell to you.

So you think Federal should make their ammo available to law abiding citizens. To make that happen, I take it that you are endorsing federal background checks and ID requirements to purchase ammo. After all, how can Federal know if they are selling to law abiding citizens. Wow, that is a really bad idea, but by golly that is what you are demanding if indeed Federal takes their orders from you as the only way they can meet your demands is by doing exactly that. Otherwise, the ammo won't be just available to law abiding citizens, but to criminals and aliens as well.



You're wanting everyone to boycott a member of the shooting industry at this point in history over something you've heard and haven't verified firsthand? No thanks.

Old Grump

Member in memoriam
Just did a quick inventory check, rimfire, centerfire handgun from 380 to 44 mag, centerfire rifles from 7 MM to 30-30 to 300 Wby and every shotgun gauge except 10 gauge which is mostly Remington and Winchester. It all works so whats the beef again?

Uncle Buck

New member
10-96 and DNS pretty much summed it up.

I do not like Federal primers (they are good, but I hate the boxes they come in.) and I have decided to not buy them until I have no other choice.

Have you tried contacting Federal, telling them what you have heard and asking if it is true, then why?


New member
I'm sorry, i should have been more clear. I didn't just "hear" that Federal doesn't sell certain ammo to civilians, I read it at ammunitiontogo.com:

"This new Tactical Buckshot featuring FLITECONTROL transforms the most basic shotgun into a precision shooting tool. Typically this ammo is only available to law enforcement and military agencies through Federal, that is a Federal rule, not a law. We got this ammo because we ordered it for a police department and they cancelled the order, so we can now sell it to anyone."


I have also read the same message when I've purchased Federal HST ammo.

I guess Federal cares more about supporting a police state than they care about the second amendment.

You all can choose to view Federal's STUPID policy any way you please. As for me, I won't be buying any more Federal ammunition if I can help it and I'll be sending them an email to make them aware of that.


New member
I did quick google search on " federal Tactical Buckshot FLITECONTROL " and got 443,000 hits. it certainly does not sound like it is restricted ammo to me. It seems to be more of a marketing ploy ( either by federal or retailers ) to make it seem more exclusive.


New member
Come on....... I heard we never actually went to the moon, it was all staged......:eek:, anybody have any tinfoil?

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
1)The stuff is available all over the web.

2)The "restriction" positively screams "marketing gimmick".

3)Boycotts almost never work.

4)A boycott seems like a pretty extreme reaction to a minor issue.

5)A boycott seems entirely unsupported by our members and I can't really imagine this going in a positive direction if left open.

PS from Glenn - that evil stuff is in my ammo store as we speak.
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