Let The Night Time Devastation Commence

Zen Archery

New member
A Hog Destroyer and A Varmint Buster.

I shalt be using one of my favorite lines from one of my favorite T.V. Shows, Swamp People, "Choootum, Chootum, Chootum, Now!!!!"

His other brother that I have named "Dark Angel" because its on a Ruger 10/22 Archangel.


New member
Wow! What a rig. Must've cost a ton of money. I could SURE use something like that on the hogs on my place. I see that night vision scopes are available in Gen I, II, and III. Are the Gen I scopes worth having? Gen III is just too far out of reach for me.


New member
Gen I optics are useable if you have a good IR light source to supplement it with.

What kind of optic is on that AR?

Zen Archery

New member
KLRANGL is absolutely right. I've run with the Gen 1 Scope for the past year and a half. And laid to waste many a hog and varmint. But the trick was getting the right Infrared Lights.

Many call the Digital Scope Gen 2 which I will argue against. Digital Scopes are completely different and you can't even put them in comparison to the same NV type of technology.

I think you are close to me. If you want me to come out sometime, I'll let you shoot the hogs and I video you shooting them. There's nothing better then crawling with a few yards of a big porker and dropping some hot led into his head.

The digiscope I was able to see easily out to 250 using just moon light (meaning no Infrared) with a 50% moon.

Heading out tonight may post video to give you an idea of what the digiscope can do..


New member

I googled up digital scopes and found an Elcan and a Pulsar. Both were way more than I want to spend (at $1300). They look impressive, but if I spent that kind of money I'd feel like I had to be up a tree every night - to justify the expense. But...thanks for the info.

Zen Archery

New member
Gotta learn to wheel and deal. I guess I'm just an ace at that.
And I'm not up a tree but on the ground pounding these things 1 or 2 a week. When you've got 4 properties all within an hour to hunt gives you lots of choices and a lot of spent ammo!!!!