Let the Irrigation Water Flow in the Klamath


New member
Dear Friends,

I have just read and signed the online petition:

"Let the Irrigation Water Flow in the Klamath
Basin of Oregon"

hosted on the web by PetitionOnline.com, the free
online petition
service, at:


I personally agree with what this petition says,
and I think you might
agree, too. If you can spare a moment, please
take a look, and consider
signing yourself.

This is not a second ammendment issue but rather addresses the whole bill of rights. These people and their legal rights, are getting steam rolled over by a powerfull and apparently
"out of control"
federal agency opperating outside and beyond the agency's constitutional restraints.

I just makes my teeth grind when ,in my opinion,I see the federal govt misuse
the power that they have appropiated from the american people.

Best wishes,
