Let me try to explain.


New member
In another thread I expressed my dislike for the feel of the Glock pistols. I said I preferred the feel of the 1911 Colt. A member replied with a curt comment about how he couldn't understand why anyone would choose the "slabside" 1911 over the Glock.

Here's why.

Understanding that every shooter is an individual and will have his own preferences, the Glock to me feels chunky and square. The double stack magazine necessitates a wide frame body and I do not have long fingers. I have this problem with all "high capacity" auto pistols and not just the Glock.

The 1911 is simply thinner and more trim feeling. At least it is to me and that's why I prefer it. I guess this wasn't obvious to everyone explaining the comment on the other thread.

Now you know.

This still feels much better to me than does a Glock. Prettier, too, IMO. But to each his own...



New member
I guess everyone has their own firearm they prefer. For instance mine is a 1911 but before I pruchased my 1911 I had a glock and after the glock I had a sig p226. I shot alot better with the 226 then i did with the glock and shoot alot better with the 1911 then I did with both previous firearms


New member
Obviously, it's a personal preference but I would bet money that more people like the feel of a 1911 than any other semi-auto.


New member
We can all own & like a lot of guns & have our favorites, but we must all at least like the 1911.


New member
Glocks are good weapons with a well-earned reputation for reliability.

1911s are just plain cool, though. Sgt York didn't carry a Glock in the WWI trenches.


New member
The 1911 is simply thinner and more trim feeling.
"Feeling" must be the key word. :)

I got to thinking about what you said, and since I never noticed that my Glocks were "big", I got my old Commander out, the one I carried daily for about 15 years, and grabbed one of my 17's out as well, and grabbed my calipers and came up with this....

Commander.... grip width.. 1.33". Fore to aft 1.98 at its narrowest, 2.23 at its widest. Overall, right around 7" long, 5.25" high.

Glock 17....... grip width.. 1.20". Fore to aft 2.06. Overall, right around 7" long, 5.25 high.

The only thing that immediately stood out, was the Commanders weight.

It must all be in the perception of the person holding them.

As far as beauty goes, mines not as pretty as yours, but has more character. Glocks are cute in their own way, and really shine when things get real. My Commander started out a pretty Colt blue like yours, but only lasted about 8-10 months before it was rusting badly. Hard chrome and kydex fixed that. Those ugly Glocks dont seem to know they were ever wet, and sweat doesnt phase them. :)


New member
We can all own & like a lot of guns & have our favorites, but we must all at least like the 1911.

I like hand guns in general. S&W revolvers in particular. I like the look and feel of the 1911. I do not care as much for the look and feel of the Glock. But, for me, the Glock is a better shooter. But no auto loader I have tried shoots as well as a revolver, for me.

I am glad we do not all agree on what is the best shooting, feeling, or looking. It would take most of the fun out of this site.

Am I bad for likening almost any handgun ?

Yes! Go stand in the corner tell you can pick one and extol its virtues over all others regardless of reality.:mad: I will meet you over there and maybe we can help each other pick only one. :)


New member

If it works for you, that's great.... just don't fool yourself into thinking, and then posting that it will work for everyone.

If it doesn't work for you, that's too bad.... just don't fool yourself into thinking, and then posting that it won't work for anyone.

Seems simple to me.



New member
Of all of my guns i shoot K Frame Smiths and 1911's the best. I carry Glocks because I shoot them very well and they are easy to replace, besides I don't care if they get dropped.


New member
AK103K- I admit I have not measured the guns. You are right, it could just be perception. But perception is everything. Maybe the Glock just feels like sharp corners rather than actually having them. For me the 1911 flows while the Glock clunks. The success and popularity of the Glock makes it a winner. It is a practical service weapon. I just don't care for it.

Truth is I prefer a revolver. Of all the auto pistols I have tried the two that feel the most natural in my hand are the Walther P38 and the S&W Model 39. Go figure.


New member
If I'm at the range shooting for fun and accuracy, it is a 1911 all the way. If I'm carrying for personal protection or hunting where it might get dirty or scratched it is a G19. I own both, for different reasons.


New member
:)I like the 1911, you might say I grew up with it ( { retired from the military before the Beretta }, but the gun that feels the best in my hand is the High Power. The balance, pointablilty what ever, it just feels comfortable in my hands. I will fault no one for their choices unless it is just because it is" cool ".:eek:


New member
Now I can sleep at night!

I'm always of the opinion that you don't have to "explain" liking one gun over the other. As my dad says, "It takes all kinds."


New member
I like handguns in general. I have nothing against polymer frames, either. To me, two of the most ergonomic handguns are the Sig P250 compact, & S&W's M&P's. I like 1911's, a lot. Glock's, feel just slightly worse in my hands than a rough cut 2x4, & point unnaturally high for me. Don't like shooting them either. To each his own, I suppose.


New member
Sorry for the thread jack, but SaxonPig I read that other thread and I guess I can assume you are an Akry Razorback fan by the name.

I am a true blue Mississippi State guy. Been season ticket holder for my bulldogs for almost 40 years.

We play each other this weekend, and it is a Huge game for us. We need it to keep bowl dreams alive. We also have never won in Little Rock

Oh and to keep this post gun related and on subject. I have had the same seats for the last 8 years at MSU. The same LEO has been working the entrance to our section for the last several years. He has carried a 1911 this whole time up until this year. I noticed he is now carrying a Glock.

I have been tempted to ask him why he changed, but not sure if that would be in bad taste


New member
The blockiness of the Glock grip bothers me, and it points high as well.

I think it points high due the infamous "Glock hump". It's a bit disappointing that interchangeable backstrap models don't appear to do anything for it.