Let Freedom Ring! 2000 - it's a go


Member In Memoriam

Let Freedom Ring! 2000

Monday - April 10, 2000

The government, becoming more intrusive into our daily lives, needs a wake-up call.

We will on Monday, April 10, 2000, by phone call, e-mail, fax and hard-copy letters, advise our elected officials, at every level, that we have had it with the manner in which they have run this country into the ground.

Need a topic to write about?

Federal land grabs, RICO provisions, no-knock warrants, EPA intrusions, complete trashing of the 2nd Amendment, reintroduction of "endangered species" to prevent honest use of the land, the "drug war" which has possibly done more to strip us of our rights than any other single issue of late, non-responsive elected officials, random road block (for sobriety or drugs), Social Services abuses, a spineless Congress, the Clinton Impeachment farce, Executive Orders, the excessive tax burden, the most intrusive census ever …. Need I go on? Pick one, pick several!

Let them know how you feel/what you think.

If we all speak with one concerted voice on one day, we can have an impact.

E-mail, fax and call your elected officials (city, state, and federal) at every level (it will take you all of 30-45 minutes)

Hard copy letters should go out by the 6th so that they arrive on the 10th

Resources below for looking up your elected officials:
http://www.vote-smart.org http://www.senate.gov http://www.house.gov/writerep

Why April 10th? Why not?

If not now? When?

Speak with one voice at one time and show them that you care!

Do it for yourself, do it for your country!


New member
I'll be there!


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!

Judge Blackhawk

New member
Put this on as many boards as you can. Email it to friends.

Do not let this fizzle out.

Voices of free men should ring the loudest, when face with tyranny from any source.

God Bless you all,
Judge Blackhawk


New member
This is why I finally broke down to spend the money on a printer. Politicos don't read e-mail much, I hear.


Member In Memoriam
Don't forget. Monday, 4/10 ... let's go get 'em, folks.

Here's the keyboard warriors big chance to participate.


Moderator Emeritus
Great idea...and I missed it first time around.
Let's do it people...spend an hour and a few bucks on postage.
Time for the elected feet to feel the fire...they have a cake walk.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!

Futo Inu

New member
Guys, let's do this! It's this Monday. Put paper in those fax machines. Email this thread to all your friends.


Member In Memoriam
Today's the day. Let's light 'em up.

If you're not outraged at what's happenin' in this country, you're either brain-dead or just don't give a crap.

I'd suspect that you are outraged and have neither of the listed ailments.


New member
It's a bit late, but here's my letter if anyone wants to copy it:

April 10, 2000

Dear Senator Feingold:

Over the past several decades I have witnessed an erosion of our
at the hands of both our elected representatives and unelected

Our federal government now owns over 40% of the land in this country,
yet nowhere in the Constitution do I find a provision for the
government's role as landlord. Owners of private land are told by one
agency or another what the owner may or may not do with the land. Some
have faced financial ruin
because the land they held became unsaleable due to the presence of
some obscure rodent, the presence of some chemical deposited there
decades ago, or even due to the presence of water itself. Millions of
acres of land have been grabbed by the federal government for dubious
political reasons (witness the Escalante Steps land grab of 1996).

Fourteen cents out of every dollar I make goes to a Social Security
trust fund that has a rate of return of 1.2% per year. I cannot opt out
of the fund, I cannot refuse to pay the FICA tax, and I have no say as
to how my money is "invested." For over three decades my "retirement
money" has been used to finance everything from missiles to highways.
Come the time of my retirement, I will be given a poverty level payment
from Social Security. Had those funds been invested in an annuity or
even a simple passbook savings account, my retirement would be, at the
very least, comfortable.

The legislative process has been hijacked by lawyers employed by the
Department of Housing and Urban Development, the secretary of which is
unaccountable to the voters. In his "deal" with Smith and Wesson, and
his subsequent contacts with other firearms manufacturers, Mr. Cuomo has

used bribery and extortion to gut the 2nd Amendment. If you believe Mr.
Cuomo's actions are any less than I describe, then you are not the man
of intelligence I thought you were.

Our rights under the Fourth Amendment are being stripped away by
drug/alcohol "checkpoints." Residents of public housing must surrender
their Fourth Amendment rights in order to occupy those dwellings.

I could go on ad nauseum about the direction we have taken, but I
you now understand by the tenor of this letter what I am saying.

I am not a criminal. I am a citizen of the United States of America, and

I want my country back. And I want you, as my elected representative,
use your office to restore this country to the ideals set forth by some
very wise men who wrote the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Yours truly,