less than stellar performance today


New member
I'd say move in closer til you're more confident and then move back out. I do pretty good at 5yds, ok at 7yds, and quickly downhill from there. My usual indoor range is only about 12-15yds max but I was visiting another this past week that goes to 25 so I figured what the heck. I pushed the blue guy target out to 25yds and tried 5 shots from my G19. The front sight covered the whole head! I think I got 3 on paper but none close to the head. Oh well, back to inside 7 for now - kinda doubt I'm gonna need to make a 25yd shot for SD anyway. :rolleyes:


New member
but at least I enjoyed the boom

Well just color me envious...I didn't get to shoot at all this weekend.

And like they say, a bad day at the range is still better than a good day...well you can finish it however you like.


New member
That would be pretty good shooting for me.

I can bairly see the paper at that range. Much less that hand drawn bullseye. :D


New member
Is that a model 60 J frame? I would still love a good day out there shooting at your range. It looks like a nice relaxing time, even if its a little off day.


New member

Aha, a ready made excuse.
Anything other than a S&W, Colt or Ruger gives an automatic scapegoat - the gun.

Not in case of the Korth. 25 meters, checked my new hard cast bullets and new load.

Of course, on the internet everyone shoots one inch groups at 25 m but I only see a few like that at matches.
