leo's open carry and bad guys oh my.


New member
this has ben on my mind for a while, and maybe the leo's of the bord can hellp
me. have you ever arrested a guy a felon or who ever, who had an illegal gun
in a holster? the reason i ask the question is that i was watching cops,
last night and it occurred to me that i have never seen a bad guy.
hav a gun in a holster. it also got me thinking when someone is seen
with a holster open carry do they think you are ok to have a gun,
just because you have a holster? i would like to what you all think.

all the best


New member
i'm not a LEO but on TV (real life shows)i have never seen a bad guy with a holster.

open carry is not allowed in my state so if anyone not in full LEO uniform had an open carry gun i would be very wary.

If this state did allow open carry i would not think twice if a 'bad guy' had a gun open carried in a holster. of course this is talking me in a nice area and the guy looks normal.

If the guy 'looks' like a bad guy, and is acting a bit strange no matter what i would be weary.

But i see what you are saying and i think many will agree with you.


New member
Well, I saw a COPS episode last year, where I believe it was here in Las Vegas, that the BG was carrying a brand new XD40 in a shoulder holster with dual mag carrier. He just bought it that day, and didnt have a CCW. I believe he was "waving" it around, and was reported as "man with a gun". The cops here (one was a gal) dumbfounded when they pulled back his jacket, and there it was!!


Yankee Doodle

New member
OK, I'm retired now, but to answer your question, YES. 2 IWB, 1 belt, 1 shoulder. Total of 4, all concealed. This does not include those calls to "man w/a gun". I can't recall how many of those there were. There were a bunch.


New member
I've saw the same episode as NevJohn, but never a BG open carrying in a holster. I'd be interested in hearing from someone who has - should make for a good story :D.


New member
I think he was trying to ask, "have you ever seen a BG carrying openly

yes that is sort of what i was thinking.

i have seen one or two people open carry in my state.
and most people have no reaction at all. i think if you have a gun
in a holster most people think you are an off duty leo? and do not care.

as to holsters and bad guys i dont think they care enough,
to go to the work of finding a good holster when most of the time.
they just shove a gun in the front or back of there pants

all the best


New member
Don't recall any bgs carrying openly, lots of them concealed, and the vast majority of those without a holster.

Seems as if they have no apperciation for fine leather products(that and the fact that most of the guns are stolen) :D

Yankee Doodle

New member
OK, misunderstood. Yes, the skell with the shoulder rig was eating a meal at a local pizza parlor when the owner decided to give us a call, The jerk had his jacket over the back of the adjoining seat, and the rig was in plain sight. Did not have a permit, which made him a "bad guy". He was arrested at the scene, without a problem
Go to jail, go directly to jail, do not pass go, do not...............
Hope this clarifies.


New member
I wonder if some of the BG's don't have a bit of logic in their non holstered carry.. Follow me here.
BG: Not a 9 to 5 member of the community ( most of them anyway).
Up to no good to anyone but himself.
Carrying a gun that most likely isn't his. (stolden, bought "under the table", ect.)
If chased by LEO, dumps gun when possible, no holster to tie him to any gun if one is found... (unless prints are there)(gee officer, WHAT gun??)
No self respecting gangsta would EVER be seen wearing a, a, holster!!
Why spend the $$$ on anything you can't, drink,shoot,snort, or smoke..
Holsters need belts, how many of those have you seen on pants 1/2 way down to the knees?
PERHAPS by us wearing holsters we are in just another way distancing ourselves from these creeps!!:D


I saw an article about WW2 resistance fighters using a length of shoestring to retain a pistol in the IWB position, allowing them to ditch the gun without a holster to indicate that they had carried.


New member
I'm wary of how I answer, because on another forum site, I would be flamed for this response but here goes.

If as "bad-guy" we are including anyone who has been arrested for unlawfully carrying a firearm, then YES, I have arrested and seen bad guys carrying guns in holsters.

If we are speaking only of violent crimes and not that hornets nest which included the 2nd amendment, then I personally have never seen any bad guys carrying in a holster. It's always in the glovebox of the car, held in hand, in a jacket pocket, etc.

If you are talking about "open carry" by badguys, the only time I have seen it is when at my last department I would assist the county agency or local fish and game with marijuana farms or poachers or other problems out in the deep woods. There I have seen it several times, but never in a City or developed area.

Clear as mud.

Yankee Doodle

New member
I would have to agree with the basic idea of your post. But, in my state, unlawful possession of a firearm is a felony. Now, whether I fully agree with the state's handgun laws is unimportant. In my opinion, the knowing commision of a felony makes you a BAD GUY, in caps.
Some dude seen in public, gun in holster, is going to get a whole new education as to proper conduct in a public place. By the time all the publics' screaming died down, and all the old ladies fainted, you just know that someone is going to have a heart attack. He would be lucky not to be arrested for Felony Homicide.
Kidding aside, gun calls are never any fun, but it sure helps when the BG is kind enough to make his identification safe and easy.


New member
Yankee Doodle, Sir with all due respect. If you ever decide to come snowbirding in the deep south to enjoy our pleasant winter weather I do hope you leave that attitude at home, lest you end up in jail for assault. I'd hate to see such a dedicated LEO as yourself serving time for a felony so far from home. In our part of the world (except in inner cities) citizens are expected to be armed, whether concealed or open carry. :D


New member
I belive he meant unlawful as in having a previous felony conviction, and I don't want those convictid of (violent) crimes carrying either.

Back on track, as stated before, most people with criminal intent do not use a holster.

In drug raids, I have confronted shotguns, but that is a different matter altogether.


Yankee Doodle

New member
I think something was misunderstood here. In my state, "Unlawful Possession" is simply having a a handgun in your possession without the proper license. It is a felony. Also, at no time did I mention any type of physical confrontation. Where is the assault? The education I mentioned was what would be learned from being arrested, tried, convicted, and spending a few years in one of our new luxury "steel bar hotels". If you toook any other meaning out of it, that was not what was meant. I spend a great deal of time traveleing the country, and have never felt threatened in any way. Except when hunting or fishing I have never seen anyone open carrying. I am not saying that it doesn't happen, I've just not seen it.
Hope this clarifies.