LEO in Storr, CT?


New member
LEO in Storrs, CT?

This is OT.. my apologies.

If there's an LEO out there from the University of Connecticut/Storrs area, I'd like to talk to someone who was on scene. I'd appreciate a PM or email if possible.

The incident at the University last week was my brother.

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New member
Sorry to pry. but I reside in CT and have a few friends who did and still attend Uconn. What happened?


New member
Oh man. I'm sorry for your loss.

Time won't heal your wounds, but it will bring acceptance. Think of the good times and realize that your brother is now no longer in pain.



New member
Thank to everyone who sent words, both here and PM.

I'm in Tennessee for the time being, and likely to stay for a few more weeks, work permitting. Thankfully, I've got some good friends both here and in Idaho helping us all along.

Anyhow.. I likely won't be on here much for a while (funny thing) -- but again.. thank you.


PS .. turns out my Dad has an LEO liason we'll be talking with up there next week again. Good to hear.