LEO?? help if you can

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New member
I'm aware that many of the TFLers out there are LEO and would like your opinion on a situation that happened to me this past weekend.

took a trip up to see some friends (couple hours away) state highway 169 MN the whole way.... on the way I was pulled over and ticked for speeding. I do not deny the fact that I was exceding the 65MPH speed limit. However I was traveling with in a group of vehicles.

to make matters more confusing I have a radar/lazer detecter for instances just like this.... through out the ordeal it didn't light up or even make a squeak. The patrolman informed me that he shot me with the lazer.

this is quite odd... since I was under the impression that you would have to hit me from the front or behind.... having cars infront and behind me would have made that impossible.....

to make this even MORE confusing... later that day in minneapolis I was hit twice with a laser gun and once with a radar gun.... all times the detector acted perfectly and performed as it should. (I was not exceding the limit at these times)

This leads me to believe that I should not have been to one to be ticked..... is there anything I can do or am I stuck

I will not be able to attend the tickets court date due to prior engagements.

any thoughts on this situation would be helpfull


New member
I am not a LEO, but when you speed, (I'm not saying I don't) you take your chances. You were speeding and got caught. Take your lumps and don't whine about it.

Long Path

New member
Laser is, as you know, line of sight, and not emitted in the broad radiant wave of a radar. Thus, the laser could very possibly hit your car but not cause your detector to "see" it. No, most cannot detect your true speed from the side.

If you wish, fight it in court. But if the officer saw you travelling over 65, he can testify to that. I have no problem being able to peg most cars to within 2-3 mph of their true speed, even at night.

If you did it, and he saw you, then you're busted. [shrug] Are you prepared to go into court and say that you DIDN'T? (Rhetorical question; I rather hope you are not.)

I apologize for taking the last word, but this thread is utterly off-topic, and I must now close it.



Staff Emeritus

A cop stopped a driver for speeding. The motorist complained that he
was driving with a long line of cars and he should not have been
singled out!

The cop quietly asked, “Do you go fishing?”

The motorist replied, “Yeah! So what!”

Quietly the policeman smiled, “Do you catch ‘em all?”

This way you didn't have the last word. :)
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