Leinad Derringers


New member
At the price point, I really want to pick one, or a couple, up. Really can't decide which way to go though. It would also help if they had someone holding them for scale.

Single shot would be the most durable I'd imagine, which is important over the long haul. Single round of 3 inch 410 would be a decent snake gun for the tackle box.

Double barrel just kind of looks cool.

Which brings us to the pepper box...I also strangely like the look of that, too.

Anyone have any experience with these? My mother in law's boyfriend had the double barrel version. I didn't know what it was at the time, but looking at them online now I think that is what he had. If that is the case, pretty interesting firing them! (read: wear a shooting glove!)
i have a Leinad pepperbox or poor mans Judge...cost me under $200.00
Mine is kinda crude yet well made. Hard to index barrel. But I am sure as it is shot it would loosen up quite a bit.
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New member
Nice picture. And no need for the pissy attitude.

I'm well aware of the advent of the search engine, and indeed employed it prior to my postings here.

There are very few hands on reviews of these derringers, hence the post.

Smart to target the inquiry to 'gun people' who may have owned one, or KNOWN someone who owned one to get some feedback.

But thanks again for the picture...that was uh, really...helpful...? Saw pictures like that on gunbroker.

I know these are made by cobray, which doesn't always get stellar reviews. Just wondering if anyone actually owns one and how it has held up over the course of several years and firings...
From what I read Leinad or Daniel backwards or Cobray Company is out of business again. What you see out there of the .pepper box, 22cal pepper box,2 shot, single , over under and side by side derringers are all there is. Perhaps they will start up again? Sorry about the attitude didn't mean to come across that way.
Got mine Leinad at Moochies Gun Shop 5 PRINCETON CT LAKE IN THE HILLS IL 60156 via GB
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New member
I'm not sure that's correct.

Excalibur LLC seems to have the rights, and as far as I know, still produces them and parts for them.


New member

That's scary looking. And not for the person downrange...for the operator. I would use it if I needed one and had nothing else, but I would never buy one of those. Some years ago there were single shot "things" on that pattern that I believe shot 20 gauge rounds. As for Cobray they aren't our daddy's Cobray any more. I have some Cobray gear from the times when they were in their prime.


New member

I have a Leinad/Cobray single shot derringer. It is a crude, inexpensive, dependable and not very accurate shooter with a terrible trigger.


New member
I like the Leinad O/U

Theyre a bit more expensive, which kinda kills the point, but they look cooler than the SxS.

No hands on experience, but if youve only seen the single shots and SxS check out a picture of a O/U and see if it appeals to you.

I think both SxS and O/U have really crappy barrel selectors, so the single shot may be the best way to go anyways. Some reviews make it sound like its faster and easier to just dump and flip than break your fingernail on the little switch.

But once again, no hands on experience.
I had one I bought at a local gun shop "just because." It was a single shot in .45 caliber. Once I got it home and found how crudely it's designed, and how small and uncomfortable the grips are, there was no way I was going to fire it. It has gone away.

For reference, unless the .22s are built on a different (smaller) frame, for a derringer these things are huge. Subjectively it feels and looks like it's twice as big as a North American derringer. Objectively, maybe 50 percent larger.

Biff Tannen

New member
I say... They stink!

I have the 45lc/410 pepperbox, the 22 revolver, the 45/410 double barrel
I got them because I thought they'd be fun and good trail guns.
- they are safety hazzards. The pins rest on the rounds... BOTH rounds on the double barrel!!
- the safety sticks lile crazy and if attacked by a critter and you need it fast... I hope you are swift on your feet!
- the prices arent good enough to justify the poor quality! Honestly, for a few dollars more, you can get something good!

Rest assured, my leinads will live in the safe forever.
They are such poor guns, i wont even give them away!


New member

For a tackle box gun, the single shot is the way to go.
Some notes...mine has always gone bang. It is not the kind of gun that one takes to the range and dumps a box of shells with. The grip is far from optimal, especially given the cartridge that the gun is chambered for. Both the .45 and the .410 spin quite a bit upon firing. It is definitely a short range affair.....best within three yards (but that is what derringers are all about in any case). Releasing the safety efficiently requires a bit of practice as the hammer has the be eased a bit for the bar to move....two hands needed on the gun.