Legal transfer?


New member
Okay, please chime in on this.
I have found a revolver that I want to buy.
The buyer is in FL, and wants to do an FTF. I have a friend who lives near the seller, and friend can legally buy on own firearms.
Can I send friend my money, have friend buy (and probably test fire :)) and then have friend go to his FL FFL and have the FFL ship to my local (TX) FFL?

I can't see how this would be a straw purchase, as there is no one involved who cannot legally own a firearm. Also, the interstate portion of the transaction wil be FFL-to-FFL, so that appears to be in order.

My friend and the seller are both willing, but I do not want to subject anyone to any concerns or any possibility of illegal action.

I appreciate any input, as I was hoping to send payment tomorrow.


New member
Yep, legal. Straw purchase only applies to buying from a FFL.

BTW, you friend can ship directly to your TX FFL. There is no need for a FFL in Florida.


New member
Purchasing a gun for the express purpose of delivering to a third party is the problem here, and that's what you'd be doing according to the "spirit" of the law.
However, being as there is an FFL in the middle rather than at the front end, you would be technically OK because what you are doing is actually two separate transactions, and both transactions are being done in a totally legal way.

Just know that if anyone in the three party deal decides to report the "gray area" deal, you might have to explain yourself.

My .02, but with the FFL being in the middle, I wouldn't worry about it.

Huey Long

New member
Can I send friend my money, have friend buy (and probably test fire ) and then have friend go to his FL FFL and have the FFL ship to my local (TX) FFL?

Sounds legal to me. Your friend wouldn't even have to go through an FFL on his end; he could ship it directly to your FFL if he used FedEx or UPS.


New member
Purchasing a gun for the express purpose of delivering to a third party is the problem here, and that's what you'd be doing according to the "spirit" of the law.

It is not a problem because the entire concept of straw purchase comes from having to fill out the 4473 and signing that you are buying the gun for yourself. As there is no state law in Florida stating otherwise, anyone that may legally own a firearm may sell/buy a firearm from another legal person for whatever reason they desire.


New member
If I call and ask, I get the opinion of whichever flunkie answers the phone...
At least here I get the opinion of people with real world experience (and some may be FFLs as well...


New member
Even though your friend wouldn't "have to" send the gun from his FFL01, you better check with your FFL01 if he/she will accept a shipped gun from a non FFL01. Sometimes they won't, even though they can.